do mine, i'll do yours?

Start from the beginning

Louis follows her outside looking at Harry's back sadly, "I won't. Just a bit of banter."

He's been sad. 

Louis doesn't have a god complex, he knows not everything evolves around him but he has a strong suspicion he's part of that reason. 

He furrows his brows thinking about Harry sad. He never knew a sad Harry. 

"I like you too, by the way. You seem like a good sister," Louis breaks his own thoughts, giving Gemma a side smile. 

"I hope you all settled in well, I made some sandwiches for us all and fresh lemonade," Anne smiles. 

Louis can't help but smile back, her's is just very contagious. Just like he remembers Harry's contagious smile. 

His father looks at him with a stern gaze making him squirm. Was he too gay? Did he smile too flamboyantly?

He fiddles with the cords in his trunks trying to focus on anything else right now. 

He feels eyes on him burning, but not his dad's. Lifting his head he sees Harry's looking in his direction. 

Oh right, he forgot, he's in France with his arch nemesis. He rolls his eyes behind his sunglasses, surely Harry's doing the same behing his'. 

"So Louis, what's your plan after high school?" Gemma asks, on the way to the beach walking next to him. 

"I have a football scholarship at Manchester," Louis explains proudly, yet again he feels Harry's gaze going towards him. 

"Sick, mate! I study at Manchester, Harry's going too, aren't you little brother?" 

Harry hums, turning his head back away. 

"He's more enthusiastic about this usually, but okay," Gemma snorts, "He got the scholarship he's been dreaming of." 

"Did ya?" Louis asks, purely out of interest and somewhere excitement. 

Harry hums again, not even turning his head this time. 

Louis has to hold back a smile, he wants to be happy for him so badly. He is so fucking proud deep down. 

He knew how badly Harry wanted the scholarship, getting into the Law faculty is pretty hard at Manchester. 

"Anyway, since mister grumpy pants is not talking right now I'll tell you, he got a scholarship in law and sociology." 

I know, Louis wants to say. 

"Oh, sounds exciting," Louis smiles politely, his stomach tightening with whatever weird feeling that's taking over yet again. 

Harry's stomach is just as knotted as Louis' right now. He wanted to be the one telling Louis he got accepted. 

No, scratch that. Harry three years ago would've been devastated, knowing he wasn't able to tell Louis the news himself. 

Harry now hates Louis. 

Harry now is lying to himself but Harry now doesn't care. 

He has to hate Louis for what he did to Harry three years ago. It's just not fair. 

"Don't forget to put sunscreen, kids," Anne announces when they found a good spot. 

He sees Louis taking off his shirt and forces to look away quickly. 

Harry gets ripped out of his thoughts and takes the bottle out of his bag, starting to put it on himself. Once he's done he looks around for someone to do his back. 

Louis clears his throat, "Do mine, I'll do yours?" 

Harry sighs, he feels like Louis is burying the hatchet just for this vacation but Harry's not feeling it. Yet he decides to be the bigger man and nod. 

He can pretend in front of his family. It's okay. 

He flinches when the coldness of the lotion hits his back. He shivers a bit, glad he could play it off it's from the cold. 

No one has to know Louis' fucking hands have that effect on him. 

It takes long for Louis to be done so (fucking small hands) he just turns around to find Louis with flushed cheeks, probably already burnt from the 5 minutes-walk, Harry thinks. 

He does Louis' fairly quickly but good. He doesn't want him burnt as much as he doesn't like him. 

As Harry's finishing up Louis sees his dad eying him, he shrinks a bit and waits for Harry to be over before taking his towel and moving the furthest away from Harry's spot. 

Harry frowns at his strange turn of behavior, wasn't Louis trying to bury the hatchet? Was he just pretending to be nice to get his back rubbed in sunscreen? 

Of course he did. The asshole's only friendly when he can get something out of it. 

Harry sighs and sits down, ready to put in his earphones when Lottie speaks up. 

"Hi, I'm Lottie," she smiles kindly. 

"Hi," Harry smiles back at her. 

"Uhm Harry, 'suppose you already know that by now," Harry adds. 

"I do, yeah," Lottie chuckles before muttering, "I really do." 

Harry decides to ignore that and starts a casual conversation with her. She's like Louis in a way, Harry decides. She has his open personality, well the one he had. 

They hadn't even talked for an hour before Harry knew everything about her boy problems and other little friends drama. 

He laughed a few times, because yes they also share humor. It was like talking to Louis again in a weird way. 

Harry shared his best tips to keep your hair healthy after beach days and told her where the best places to shop were near their lodges. 

They promised each other to make an organic hair mask one of these days and make some new vegetarian recipes since they both don't eat any sorts of meat. 

Louis paused his music for a moment to listen in on their conversation only to scoff and turn his music even louder when he put it back on. 

This vacation was going to be long and boring, he feared. 

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