too familiar

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Thursday, 5th of july

"Good morning," Harry greets when Louis walks into the living room. 

"Good is not a fitting word to what this morning is." 

"Well, then morning isn't either," Harry chuckles, "It's 12am." 

Louis frowns, "What were the plans for today?" 

"Everyone's out to the market, they won't be back until like 4. I told them we wanted to play videogames today so you could sleep a bit longer," Harry almost blushes when he tells him. 

Louis tries not to be endeared but it's so fucking hard, he wants to stay mad but the boy he's been avoiding and annoying for three years lied to their parents just so he could sleep away his hangover.  

"Thanks, H," Louis doesn't even realize when the nickname slips up, "D'you have any kind of painkillers?" 

"Top cabinet on the left in the kitchen, drink lots of water it helps." 

Louis nods and goes to find the pills, top cabinet, of course. He can't fucking reach the top cabinet. He groans and takes a chair, climbing onto it to get into the cabinet. 

Harry walks in and snorts at the sight. 

"Don't fight me when I'm hung over, Styles," Louis dares him. 

"I won't, just this once," Harry chuckles, "Do you want anything for breakfast?" 

Louis hums , "Just whatever is fine." 

He doesn't like that Harry and his family almost pay for everything here, it bugs the hell out of him. 

"Alright, I'll make you some eggs on toast. Do you still eat your eggs the same way?" 

Loui clears his throat, nodding, "I do." 

Harry used to make him eggs when they were just kids, barely 14 years old and he made Louis the most amazing foods when their parents were out. 

It's a miracle that no one in their families knew they were friends back then. 

"Did I say something embarrassing yesterday?"  Louis asks, sitting on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island. 

Harry shrugs, "You said.. things."

Louis groans, "Do I even wanna know?" 

"I think you don't," Harry chuckles, "It was kinda entertaining though."

"What did I say?" Louis asks, actually curious himself. 

"You told me I cursed you with my pee when we first met because you stopped growing after that." 

Louis turns a deeper shade of red and shakes his head, "God, sorry."

Harry just shakes his head, still laughing. 

"I did grow after that by the way." 

"Sure," Harry snorts. 

"I did! Like 4 more inches!" 

"I believe you, Lou," Harry laughs. 

Louis does notice when Harry slips up his nickname and looks down, not knowing why he's so affected by him. It feels too familiar. Harry cooking up some food while they're laughing about something stupid. 

The nickname just enhances the familiar vibe. 

Louis practically moans when he tastes the eggs and compliments Harry who blushes and maybe adjusts his pants just a bit. 

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