aye, aye, captain

948 60 127

Thursday, 11th of July

"Lewis, wake up!" 

"Go away," Louis mutters, putting a pillow on his ears. 

"Harold, come wake up this stupid ass, he'll only listen to you!" Gemma scoffs. 

Harry yells back from the kitchen, "He won't, sleep is the love of his life!" 

Gemma snorts, "Ironic." 

That's when Louis shot up to glare at Gemma. 

"Fuck you." 

"We're leaving in 5, so no, fuck you!"

"Five minutes?! Why didn't you wake me earlier?" 

"Ask my brother, asshead. I came to check and he was gone running while you were drooling on your pillow." 

Louis grunts disapprovingly. He wasn't going to be mad at Harry, he'd rather go to hell and back than yell at him. 

Ironic in comparison how he acted before. 

"Sorry Lou, forgot we were leaving this early today. We're going out on a boat trip today," Harry tells him. 

" 'S okay," Louis smiles, "Give me at least a minute to get ready." 

The siblings leave the room while Louis tries to gather himself to look at least a bit decent. 

He decides to wear the white shirt Harry chose out for him at the store. He's sure it'll be hot on the boat but there'll be a lot of wind too. 

Well, the wind is knocked out of Harry when he sees Louis in it. The older one left it unbuttoned like Harry usually does with his shirts. 

The tables have turned quite a bit. 

Gemma snorts yet again and pulls them outside before they stand here staring at each other all day long. 

"Where are our parents?" 

"Not coming, we're going along," Gemma smiles at Louis. 

Louis sighs relieved, "So, any of you can sail a boat?"

"Of course, Harry's good at it, I'm alright. It's not like I can hit an iceberg, you know?"

Harry snorts, "You did hit the shore once." 

"Oh Harold, that's years ago." 

"Last year, Gem, last year." 

Gemma rolls her eyes looking at Louis, "He's talking about a small bump, don't worry, really. I promised your mommy I'd bring you home safe, Lewis." 

"You better keep that promise, woman." 

"Aye, aye, captain" Gemma waves him off before jumping in the car. 

In the back Lottie and Harry compared their nail polish Louis got for them which makes him smile, like really widely. 

When they got to the boat Louis' mouth fell open. It's a catamaran. 

"Fucking nice boat you got, mates." 

"Correction, our parents have," Harry tells him. 

"Small detail, for now it's ours!" 


They sail out with Harry behind the wheel, Louis joins him since it would be lonely all alone inside. 

Both sisters are tanning on the trampoline nets on the front of the boat. 

"It's so nice out here," Louis smiles, looking at the sea.

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