don't call me that

886 63 28

Wednesday, 4th of July. 

"Louis, why aren't you drinking?" 

"I have to look out for Lottie," Louis shrugs. 

They're out at a café, just the four of them. They were in the mood to do something active after another lazy beach day. 

His mom asked him many times to look out for Lottie since she's only 17 and he surely won't be able to do it with alcohol in his system. 

"I can do that," Harry proposes from next to him, "I don't really drink anyways." 

"C'mon Louis, have a beer. Loosen up a bit," Gemma smiles, she's noticed the boy had been down a bit today. 

He's still fighting with his sister so that might be the cause. 

He looks over to Lottie who's looking at him with no emotion before he nods. Gemma orders them 2 beers each, obviously trying to get them tipsy while Harry orders them something Louis doesn't hear because Gemma's already talking his ear off about Manchester and how she will show him around when he arrives. 

He throws a few worried glances to Lottie who's in a deep conversation with Harry. 

"What's wrong, Lou. You've been kinda sad and not talking to Lottie, what happened?" 

Louis sighs, downing his first beer with ease, ignoring the look Harry gives him. 

"We had a bit of a fall out two days ago when I came over. Things were said. I have to fix it but she doesn't seem to want to talk to me." 

Gemma hums, "It'll be alright, Harry and I have these kind of fall outs all the timen he still loves me." 

"But that's Harry." 

"What does that mean?" Gemma asks. 

"Nothing," Louis shrugs. 

Harry is the most loving person he's ever met. You could stab him and he'd apologize for walking into your knife. That's what he means. 

"He just seems like the forgiving type of person." 

"He is. I broke his arm as a kid by accidentally pushing him down the stairs. He cried and apologized a million times saying he walked into me." 

Louis smiles, remembering when Harry told him he fell down the stairs because he was too clumsy. 

Of course he lied. 

He looks over to the curly haired lad. He got handsome over the years. He was cute when they were friends but now he's so much more than cute, he's drop dead gorgeous, hot even.  

He found Harry hot in school with his normal clothes but his vacation clothes are just another level. His shorts are way too short, but like, way too short, his shirts are always open and his damn skin is tanned like a greek god's skin would be. 

Maybe he shouldn't down his beers this fast. 

Three beers later Louis realized he should've listened to himself. 

He giggles when Harry speaks French to the waiter. If he weren't this drunk he would definitely be having a problem in his pants because fuck

"Ils en ont assez, plus de bière, s'il vous plaît."

"Harold, didn't know you spoke French!" 

"There's a lot you don't know," Harry answers in a flat tone. 

Louis frowns a bit at Harry's tone but is drunk enough to forget it in 2 seconds. 

"I'm gonna go pee, be right back," Louis tells them, more likely slurs out. 

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