another lie

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Tuesday, 4th of July. 

Harry looks concerned when Louis wakes up the next day, following his moves just because he's curious how the other boy is feeling. 

He heard some sniffling from his room last night, or at least that's what he thought he heard. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" 

Harry looks down immediately, "No reason, sorry." 

Louis sighs and goes towards the door. He really wants to be an asshole but Harry apologizes for every little thing. 

He might apologize for breathing one day. 

"How's your sunburn?" 


Harry seems to get the message and stops trying to interact in anyway. He's not in the mood clearly. 

They're going to Bordeaux today, city tripping. 

Harry's done the city a thousand times by now, it's nothing special. But he gets that his parents want to show around the Tomlinsons.

Louis smiles and shares pleasantries with everyone, trying to fake a good mood because he doesn't want to be the reason for some weird tension. 

"How's your sunburn, love?" Anne asks, just like Harry did. 

They're very alike. 

"It's okay, could be better," Louis smiles, seeing Harry roll his eyes because his mom gets a full answer.

"Did Harry help you with your after sun?" 

Louis feels his dad gaze and shakes his head chuckling lightly, "Uh no, Lottie helped." 

He prays to god Harry doesn't tattle on his right now. Lottie would never do it, knowing what their dad is capable of. 

"Oh, Harry you should've helped the boy! He had to walk all the way over to the other lodge fully sunburned," Anne scolds him. 

"I proposed to help, mom," Harry tells her, not telling her the truth. 

"It's okay, Miss Styles. I had left my charger at theirs anyways," Louis smiles. 

Another lie. 

Harry's frown only deepens while Lottie rolls her eyes. She's still mad. 

Louis tries to communicate with Lottie in the car but she puts in her earphones right away and looks the other way. Making the message painfully clear. 


"H and Gems, you can show around Lottie and Louis, right? I'm sure you kids don't want to do the same thing as us all day," Anne smiles. 

"Sure," Harry flashes her a smile, "When do we have to be back?" 

"Maybe at seven for dinner?" 

Gemma nods before turning to Louis and Lottie, "Do you guys want to walk or bike all day?" 

"Louis is a disaster on a bike," Lottie scoffs, making fun of him. 

Harry chuckles a bit because he remembers that. He could literally fall off it before he even starts riding it. 

Louis rolls his eyes, "Walking is okay, I'm not that bad on a bike but it seems a bit busy to bike through everyone." 

Harry snorts, "Sure." 

Louis wants to pull his stupid man bun that's not beautiful at all. He hates how Harry pulls off the most flawless shit. 

They walk through the city, pretty much seeing all the important stuff. Lottie doesn't talk to Louis, he tries a few times before giving up and just starts to try enjoying the city trip. 

you and your addictive heart - l.s.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora