I decided to sleep and take a rest. It has been a long day for me. The shoot, Douglas' confession, and the freaking argument with Louis.

When I woke up, I realized that I was really a jerk to Louis. He was just worried about me but I kinda pushed him off his limits. I think I should apologize to him.

I hurriedly dialed Harry's number because I can't talk to Louis. I know he's still mad. Only few rings and he answered

"Harry?" I said when I heard him answered his phone.

"Maggie? Sup?"

"Are you with Louis?" I'm pacing back and forth in my bedroom because I'm kinda nervous about this whole apology thing. I'm not used to saying sorry first! Prideful!

"Yeah. Why? Wanna talk to him?"

"No. Where are you?" I can hear that they're not somewhere in private. There are lots of people talking in his background "I want to talk to him in person."

"Uh we are about to have an interview. I'll send you the address of this building."

"Thank you, Harry! You're the best!" I hurriedly change my clothes without hanging up because I got excited to see Louis.

"You really did piss boobear off eh."

"Yeah. I screwed up. Wanna make up to him."

"He's not in the mood right now. But yeah, he'll be fine once he sees you. Ooops! Gotta go! See ya later!"

Harry hung up, and I received a message containing the address. Okay this is it. I'm really nervous that Louis might push me off.

When I got there, they already let me in the backstage because Harry already told them before the interview to let me inside. Talk about VIP. Perks of having One Direction lads as my friends.

I can see from this wide screen that they're already starting. And Louis is really answering wisely and humorous. He's not shy in front of the camera, he's always that charming, intelligent, funny person he is. His brain really works differently and there's never a dull moment whenever he's around.

That's what I love about him.

What... did... I... just... say?

Love about him? I don't love Louis! I mean I love him, but not the way my mind is telling me right now. That is so wrong! Louis is just Louis. He's Louis. Louis. Yep, Louis.

When they are done, I received a message from Harry telling me to go inside their dressing room for privacy, and I did exactly what he said.

Not too long, I saw Louis entering the room and he was really surprised! I didn't let him say a thing. I hurriedly went up to him and hugged him tightly.

When I pulled away, I started apologizing to him. "Sorry for being a bitch. I didn't mean to just-"

I am not done with my apologies when Louis pulled me into a hug again. Of course, I hugged him back and I felt his hands on my hair. I don't know why but this feels really really good.

"I am sorry for getting mad." He whispered in my ear. This hug that he's giving me is really comforting. It feels home. I am home. "I was just worried and I acted like a total douchebag."

"You don't have to apologize" I whispered back at him. I pulled away and think of something that can help me make up with Louis. "Let's go grab something to eat. I have lots to tell you."

I really want to tell him how my date with Douglas went. Well, he's my best friend after all and I believe that he deserves to know what's the deal between me and Douglas. I know he'll be happy for me.

We went to my apartment after buying foods. This is what I like! Just like the old times. Louis, delicious foods, and a great movie!

"Hey, I have to tell you something" I excitedly told him. He looked at me while raising his eyebrow "Eh, Douglas and I are kinda dating."

After saying that, he was choked by his food and coughed so hard. I handed him water and when he's finally composed, he said "What the heck?"

"Why? He's a nice guy." I said with a low tone. I don't really get why he hates Douglas that much. He never really take a chance to properly know him, unlike the other lads.

He just shrugged "Nothing. Just be careful." He ended the conversation just like that. I noticed that he's not interested in my news, so we talked about other things instead.


I didn't expect to see Maggie right after that interview. When I saw her, all I wanted was to hug her. I acted like a mad man before, and I'm really happy that she went all the way here just to apologize even if I'm the one to blame. She's just pure.

We decided to stay in her apartment to simply hang out but when she decided to talk about Douglas, my irritation creeps me again. Good thing she noticed it lets go of the topic.

But what the actual fuck was that? They are now in the dating stage? This is just weird. So what if he dates another man. I don't care.

She is just a friend. She can date another people if wants to. Just a friend. Yeah. Maggie is a friend.

"So, what were you thinking about me when we were apart?" She suddenly asked me. We are now in her apartment's balcony, gazing the stars.

The night is windy and the stars are visible. Her head is on my shoulder while my arm is around her. It's a lovely night, I might say. But not as lovely as this girl beside me.

"Of course. I was even looking for you. But it was hard because of my busy schedule. But yeah, I was wondering what are the things we would do during and after the X Factor days." I answered her "How 'bout you?"

She sat properly and looked at the sky "Yeah. I was thinking about the stuff you'd tell me if you found out about my family situation. If you'd help me runaway from all the problems I've faced."

"We can runaway now, if you want to." I blurted out. These butterflies that I'm feeling whenever I am with her is confusing. I know I shouldn't have said that but I am hoping that she'll say yes.

She smiled at me and stand up. She offered her hand and said "Let's go somewhere."

Where We Land (Louis Tomlinson // One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now