21|Frigga's Daggers

Start from the beginning

"That's hilarious!" Ethan burst out laughing at Nanna's statement "Can I build a religion around you?" Nanna laughed at the young man and smirked "Of course."

"So, dead brother, huh? Yeah, that can be annoying." Rocket walked closer to the Asgardians and started pressing some buttons, to make it seem as if he wasn't there to make them feel better "Well, he's been dead before, but this time I think it really might be true..." Thor trailed off sadly "And you said your other sister and your dad?" Rocket asked "Both dead." Thor shook his head solemnly "Still got a mom, though?" Rocket asked hopeful "Killed by a dark elf."

"A best friend?" Rocket asked, feeling bad for them. It was quiet for a moment as they contemplated their fallen best friends. Sif, Hogun, Volstagg, Fandral, Heimdall, Lagertha, Loki "Many have died," Freya answered sadly, not looking up from her right hand that picked at her left one.

Rocket looked at them for a moment "Are you sure you're up to this particular murder mission?" He was slightly unsure on how to act. Thor sniffed a bit before he smiled widely, a smile that convinced no one "Absolutely. Rage, vengeance, anger, loss, regret... they're all tremendous motivators. They really clear the mind. So I'm good to go."

"Yeah, but this Thanos we're talking about... he's the toughest there is," Rocket tried "Well, he's never fought me," Thor argued "Yeah, he has!" "He's never fought me twice. And I'm getting a new hammer, don't forget." Thor tried to sound positive "Better be some hammer," Rocket mumbled incoherently "Does he think a rematch will end well?" Ethan whispered, leaning into Rocket.

There were another few seconds of silence before Thor spoke again "You know, I'm 1500 years old. I've killed twice as many enemies as that, and every one would have rather killed me, but none succeeded. I'm only alive because fate wants me alive. Thanos is the latest in a long line of bastards and he will be the latest to feel my vengeance. Fate wills it so."

"And what if you're wrong?" Rocket asked the question that burned all of their lips "If I'm wrong then...what more could I lose?" Thor looked up at Nanna and Freya, his only family that remained. He wiped his tears away as Nanna walked towards him, wrapping an arm around him in a comforting manner before she rested her forehead against his "You needn't fear losing me."

A chill ran down Freya's back. I don't think this is normal.

The odd thing was that the voice that had shot through Freya's head, was Nanna's, but Nanna's thoughts weren't what Freya has just heard.

A second chill ran through Freya's body. I am Groot. Or dad. Again, those hadn't been Groot's thoughts at the moment.


Something's happening...

Up, general. Up.This is no place to die.

Guys, we got a Vision situation here.

Aw man.

Steve? Freya?

Tony, there was no other way.

Take care of her.

I'm sorry.

"I could lose a lot. Me personally. I could lose a lot," Rocket whispered under his breath, only Ethan understanding his words. Freya smiled as she wiped her own tears away before setting a comforting hand on Rocket and Ethan's shoulders. Rocket looked up to meet her gaze, usually he hated being petted, apart from the one time that Drax did it. But there was something warm and comforting to Freya's touch.

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