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A few minutes passed so Kacchan and I figured that it would be safe to come back into the room where the others where. When we entered the room I could feel all of the eyes on him and I. "How long." I heard Kirishima speak, 'Wait did they find the pictures? I though I deleted them all?!?' I started silently panicing until I felt a cold breaze touch my back I turned around to see Mathew and I gave him a small smile.

"We always knew you two acted odd even for rivals, but never rexpected that." I turned my head around looking at my pink skinned classmate who had spoken. "It's not fairrrrrr why does he get to have ALL THE LADYS AND DUDES!" I heard Mineta shout it took me a few seconds to process what he just said and once I did my face went blank (Like this O.O). I looked over at the others standing beside or behind me we all had the same confused face. "Uhm what do you mean?" "Well we looked up Bakugou's Mom name and saw a bunch of old pics of the two of you." Sero said pointing back and forth between Kacchan and I squinting his eyes. 

"So what them two where friends since like forever." Jayden pointed out to the others while Kacchan and I where silent. "But it looks like the two of them where daing and that they had a weird break up-" My invisible classmate spoke stoping when realizing what couldv'e actually happened.

And it seems like the others had just caught on aswell when a string of 'Ohhhh's traveled through the living room. "Now please excuse me, but I'm going to bed now." I said waving the others goodnight heading into my new room. Midnight and Nezu figured it would be best if I moved back into my ORIGINAL dorm room thinking it would be to hard to go back into Mathew and I's room. Before I could turn the metal knob to open my door I felt a more human like had on my left shoulder. Mathew and I turned around to look at Percy, I side-eyed Mathew he didn't look as upset as he normally would. But still a little upset. "Oh hey what's up Percy?" I asked him tilting my head a litte.

His mouth opened, but no words came out. It looked like he was dabating weather or not to tell me something. "You can tell me anything you want to ok Percy no need to be scared, if it makes you feel better you can text me it?" I suggested to him, I knew texting was easier to say what you feel instead of face to face.

"Oh no it's fine I forgot it anyways, sorry for holding you back for longer than needed. Have a nice night though." We waved back at eachother and I watched him leave until I couldn't see him anylonger and opened my door. I was greeted by an empty and plain room looking the way it did right when I first moved in with the others.

I quickly got dressed into my pajamas as I saw Mathew just snap his fingers twice making what looked like a very comfromtable clothing appear on him. "So uhm can I ask you something Mathew?" My hands quirled up into my long sleeves playing with the inside fabric until I heard his voice respond back. "Sure Izu-Kun, what's up?" "So this may sound r-really rude or weird, but what's it like you know. Uhm in-" "It's not that bad actually, the people there are quite chill and laid back. Unless you where like a pedofile, molester (Did I spell that right?), a Raper, or just a complete asshole in genral than you shouldn't have any problems." My two different eyed color ex-boyfriend/Boyfriend explained to me?...

"Also Izu-Kun it's alright if you don't call me your Boyfriend anymore, plus I think it just make it 10 times more difficult if you do." His words brought me back shcoking me. 'Am I getting dumped by a Ghost right now?!?' I thought to myself. "So are you breaking up with me or?...." I trailed off looking away not wanting to face him. "Uh well Izuku it's going to be pretty difficult to date a ghost if you ask me." I heard his sweet raspy laugh fill the room bringing a smile to my face small laughs leaving my mouth to. "Oh yeah I guess I kinda forgot about that part..." Our laughs all of a sudden stopped silence over taking my room. 'Great i just made things awkward, damnit Izuku get atleast one thing right.' I thought to myself giving my mental self a scolding.

(Ok I am like extremely sorry this was so short! Iv'e been busy with School work, Election talk (Most of all my family are voting for someone I deffinetly do not support so I have had to deffend my side without it seeming like it's my 'side' which is difficult) Friends came over, Events, Halloween, Funreal, and yeah iv'e been overall busy.

Hope you have a nice ngiht,day,afternoon Best of luck!

And if it's your Birthday Happy Birthday to you


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