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It's been around maybe three or four months since I came to America, My friends and I are all staying in the Apartment complex. It's very small but we are used to it, if anything it's bigger than those cabins we had to stay in for Sumer Camp when we where little.

I'm already done with Todoroki and that Backstabbing Bitch. They can continue playing Twister together for all that I care.

"Izu-Chan!" I heard Jacky running towards me while yelling- Huh that's a new nickname. "Yeah what's up Jack-Jack?" "We kinda sorta wanna go to Japan with you!" "I'm not going to Japan though?" I titled my head slightly confused. "Tch Dumb Fuck we mean that you go to Japan next week and we are going with you because we saw this Ice-Cream commercial and they only sell it there!"

"Of course you guys did.... What Ice-Cream was it though I might've tried it and can tell you if it's worth it?" There are a lot of weird Ice-Creams in Japan and not many of them taste uh nice? And I don't want us wasting Money for some Ass-Juice.

"Heh well now that you and it has a really funny name how about you go ask Matt-Matt?" "Ok then....." I walked behind her as she brought me to the kitchen table where everyone else was.

"Oh Doll~ what's the Ice-Cream name's?" I whispered into Matt's ear. I learned that he gets really Horny from that nickname and I wouldn't mind sucking his- uhm, Candy?

"I-It's called ummmm 'Booby Ice-Cream'." Frozen just frozen is what I can say I am..... "I'll-I'll go buy the tickets now get packing."
Sorry for the Short chapter I've been working on my other stories lately and keep on going on Vacations! Should I put a pic on what the ice-cream looks like in here (The actual ice-Cream not some random anime girls)

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