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It was the next day or more like morning, we sat at this large table I sat by Jackie and Mathew sat by Skylar. We were all silent anybody from a mile away could feel the tension between Mr and Mrs Jacksons.

I was poking at my eggs already full from the steamed rice and Bacon. Normally when I'm with my friends parents I ask 'How was work' or 'How are you doing', but with these two I feel it would just be rude if I did. I looked over to Yua to see her playing with her stuffed Animals, how adorable.

I remember once Mathew and Skylar had to stay over at my house and Kacchan's because there parents where fighting because of Yua, well I can't blame Mrs.Jacksons it wasn't even her daughter.

"Hey Yua what are your stuffed Animals names?" I wanted to strike a conversation with somebody anybody. "Well this bitch right here her name is Ella." Whoever was spacing out before was now brought back the tension was cut for a moment.

"W-What did you just call her?...." Asked Mrs.Jacksons you could see one of her hands going whiter than before.

"Ella, what's wrong with that?" "No no no what did you call her before that?." "Oh I called her a Bitch." "And why would you do that?!?" You could definitely tell that she was upset, which she normally isn't she doesn't like causing problems on others.

"Well she tried to steal Akira and Jason from me and that is something I could never forgive....." Her aura went dark everybody visibly flinched and scooted back. While I silently fangirled, I know that she's straight and all but I think it would be the cutest thing ever if them three got together! Well maybe when there older at least.... I chuckled to myself and leaned over and patted her on the head making her snap back.

"Oh I did that again, Eh it's your guys fault for being scared of some 8 year old girl. Any who I must hurry now." "And where do you think your going young lady?." Mr.Jacksons questioned her, he never really cared for Skylar and Mathew so they could do anything they wanted hell they could get killed and he wouldn't give a damn. While when Yua wanted to leave her room or table he asked where she's heading and if she needs anything.

You could hear her sigh, "I have a play date with Akira and Jason at 3 knowing you and Mommy start work again at 1 and and they have to go run errands if I leave now it'll give me enough time to walk there and still have 3 hours to spare." Geez she's good at Math... She's right though none of us could take her.

An idea came up in my head my Mother always loved little girls since she could never play with my hair or dress me up as a child. "I could ask my Mom to take you Yua, you would love her." I offered out the others staring at me as I smiled.

"Really?!" She asked her you could hear her feet going back and forth on the ground. "Yup let me just ask her alright?" I got up from my seat heading into the opposite room dialing my Mother.

Now thinking about it I don't think she knows I'm here....
Izuku Hunny it's nice to hear from you again! What's going on?
"Oh nothing much Mom, I actually flew back in last night and was wondering if you could drive Mathew and Skylar's little sister to a play date?"
I'd love to Izuku, But how old is she?
"I think she's 8, and the play date starts at 3."
Alright than, just make sure she's ready to go."
"Will do Mom see you later, Love you."
Love you too Hunny

And at that the call ended.

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