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Aunty, Uncle, and my Mom all agreed it would be best of Kacchan stayed the night with us. Him and I walked up staris to my room which wasn't as All Might themed as before due to the fact I moved most of all the merch to my dorm.

"Kacchan are you staying in m-my room or the Guest room?" "Tch I'm going in your room, not because I want to or anything because I know that I won't get any sleep if you just keep on crying." I knew he was lying wjen he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walked with me to my room. "I'm going to go change and use the restroom relly quickly Kacchan take your time." I was telling a white lie well more like a Fib?

I walked into my restroom and locked the door I rumaged through all my droors until I found it. "It's been a while old friend, Hope you didn't miss me to much." I whispered to it. I places it against my previous scars on my arm from my quirk. I poked the small metal object into my arms wrapping it around in circles making a hole. I than dragged it back and forth in a fast motion until I saw it start to bleed. I repeated the process until it reached Mathew's age and how old he wouldv'e been this year 18-19. I turned on the faucet putting cold water on and grabbing a black rag a white one would for sure leave a stain.

The cold water touched the cuts it hurt a little so I used my other hand to grip my arm. Once it was wet I placed the rag under the water letting it soak up than squeeze it. I dabbed it onto my skin and put on my long sleeved hoodie hopping it wouldn't get affected because I didn't wrap it.

"What took you so long Izu-Chan." I paused and so did Kacchan realizing what he just said. I whipped away the tears that started to form. "S-sorry nerd..." He turned around looking away from me. "I-It's fine Kacchan, I know you didn't mean to! Let me go pull out the futon and you can lay there." I went into my closet and pulled out the folded Futon and placed it near my bed and grabbed the spare sheets and pillows we had in the guests room.

"All set up and ready to sleep in Kacchan! Try your best to get some sleep in alright? It already getting pretty late." I heard him make a grumbling sound, but he still listened none the less. Kacchan and I went under the sheets in our separate beds.

I wished him good night and he just let out a low growl. Before I fell asleep I heard him ask me, "H-Hey Deku, what where his Uhm you know final words?" I took in a sharp breath thinking back to it all the bad memory's coming in making me rub my arm through the fabric.

"He said 'Wait please Let me say one last Thing, Izuku- No Izu, I love you Baby I love you with my whole entire world alright never forget that? And this wasn't your fault it was none of your faults. Percy I want you to take good car for him make sure he eats, sleeps, drinks, and stays alive. Thank you for the most amazing years of my life or even weeks, and I'm sorry that it must end this way you guys. Bye' That's that's what he said K-Kacchan." I covered my mouth with my hand holding in my loud sobs not wanting to disturb them.

"D-Deku you better bring your ass down here now before I pull you." I did as told a bit confused. He pulled my anyways and pressed my body up against him making my head rest in between his neck and shoulder. "Just sleep Deku just sleep....." I heard him say before drifting to his own world.

I heard light knocking on the door, "Boys you have a Visitor." I heard my Mom's voice say I opened my eyes to see a bright light in my eyes and let out a loud groan.

"It's me Percy." I got up really quickly switched my outfit in the Bathroom still not wanting Kacchan to see brushed my teeth and opened the door. "Oh Uhm uh Hey Percy." I spoke not exactly know what to say.

He gave me a strong hug which only lasted a few seconds and I hugged back, "I hope you don't mind me coming here unannounced, but I naught you a gift for Uhm what happened yesterday. I'm really sorry that that happened no one should have to Ever go through seeing a loved one die...." he trailed off turning into his elf form turning away. "Hey Uhm I'm sorry that Shigaraki spilled your secrets to us...." I also trailed off remembering what he said about the Hospital and being kicked out.

"WAIT- WHERE IS CARTLIN STAYING THEN?!?" I yelled because she was the one being kicked out for being who she is.... "Oh uh yeahs she's staying with us for the time being." He let out a little chuckle before handing me a Frog and Green M&M Plushies. I raised my eyebrow up confused, but smiled none the less.

Before I could thank him he said. "Uhm to explain why I choose those was one the Frog is the color of your hair and because 'The water turns the Fucking Frogs Gay' and the Green M&M because of you know Mathew's quirk because it was Seduce and she's always hot. S-Sorry it sound stupid now thinking of it." I smiled and pulled him into another side hug. "No it's perfect Th-Thank you." "No problem I'm not letting down his word until the day I die." He gave me a small little shoulder solute before he said he had to go and left.

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