Barging In

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Demi's POV

While Mr. Jonas and I were finishing cleaning up the apartment, I was really curious on what our next steps might be. I know we took pictures of the damage that was done, but how was this information going to be relevant? "Hey, Mr. Jonas?" I said as I went and threw the pillows on the couch, and then turned towards Mr. Jonas, who was now placing things on top of the mantle.

"What's up?" He asked as he stopped, and looked at me.

"Do you think we should have called the police? I mean, is your Private Investigator really going to be able to gather information from this?" I asked him a little unsure.

"I'm not sure. I have already sent over the pictures to him, and I am just waiting for a response. I don't think it would have been wise to call the police. It was going to just raise a whole lot of questions," he said to me.

"What would it make them question?" I asked him confused. He stopped setting things down, and turned to look at me.

"Well, for starters, they will ask questions like, are you missing anything, what could they have been looking for, and most importantly, why was your room, aside from the living room, the only one destroyed. That leaves questions. That means that someone is personally attacking you specifically. This will open a case, and will have a whole lot of people suspicious. We can't forget that we are trying to keep a low profile here, Demi," he said as he bent back down, and picked up some more things off of the floor.

"Oh, yeah. I guess that makes sense," I said, while pausing, "Do you think they will come back?" I asked him a little unsure. "Will I be safe staying here?" I asked him quickly again before he could answer. He stopped, stood up, and walked over to me.

"I can't say. I mean, I don't think that they would come back because whatever they were looking for they either found, or they didn't, but I can't say for sure. Are you worried about staying here by yourself? He asked me as he gently placed his hand on my forearm for comfort. I looked down at his arm, and then gently smiled.

"No, Well, yeah I guess,' I said as I diverted my eyes away from his.

"Hey, its okay to be worried. Demi, I won't let anything happen to you. I have an idea. What if we installed cameras outside of your apartment? That way we will be able to see anyone who enters or exits your apartment. We would also be able to see anyone who may leave packages, or who may come to your door," he said as he bent down a little to catch his eyes with mine.

"That sounds like a good idea. Do you think we can get them installed tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Yeah, well, the sooner the better. I will look into it. Hey, I am going to use your restroom. Is that ok?" He asked me as he started walking towards my bedroom.

"Yup, it's all yours," I shouted over to him. I watched as he turned, and smiled over at me just as he was shutting the bedroom door. It brought butterflies to my stomach. I just smiled, and went back to cleaning up the rest of the living room. I really was extremely grateful for Mr. Jonas right now. A part of me wishes that I could have called Wilmer to tell him what was going on, but I have to admit, I was really enjoying having my time with Mr. Jonas and getting to know this side of him.

Wilmer's POV

I got half way down the street from Demi's apartment before I found myself pacing back and forth. What the fuck am I thinking? Why am I just walking away? I should just go back in there and find out who the fuck is over there right now. I paced back and forth a few more times before finally making up my mind. I decided to turn back around, and go back over there. As I made my way up the stairs, I gave myself a pep talk on the game plan. As I approached the door I decided I would skip knocking and just barge right in through the door. As soon as I swung the door open, Demi jumped back, and dropped the vase that she was holding.

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