Shadows of the Past

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Zeref carried me in his arms until we reached the guild. We reached the front doors but he still didn't put me down. 

It's better to break it to them this way. It will be less of a shock to them.

Why must we ' break it to them? ' Am I that bad? I asked and Zeref smirked down at me. He placed a kiss on my head and then pushed the doors open with his back to the guild. Zeref turned us around and we stared at the guild hall before us. The room was covered in black and red ribbons. The chairs were lined up against the walls and a big black and red cake sat at the bar with champagne bottles surrounding it. Zeref set me down and we walked inside.

The room was dark but the light from outside lit it enough that almost everything was visible. I caught a flash of movement in the back of the guild and a light flared up in my hand. I looked at my hand in shock then saw another light flare into being. A fist of fire shone out in the darkness. Natsu.

" NATSUUUU! " I screamed and flung myself at him. He caught me and then the lights came on in the guild. Natsu stroked my hair and inhaled deeply. " I missed you Luce. I almost went crazy wondering if I would ever see you again.  I've missed you so much. We all have. " He said and released me to the waiting arms of the guild. " Lucy! " They screamed and rushed at me, soon I was crushed in one multi-armed embrace. I choked on all the tears that streamed down my face. " I'm home. "  I said and I was squeezed harder.

" L-lucy? Is that really you? " I heard from behind the crowd and they parted as four women braved the crowd to greet me. Erza, MiraJane, Levy, and Wendy stood in front of me  tears rolling down each of their faces. The faces of my family. With that thought I launched myself at them and they caught me with open arms. " LUCY! Lucy! " They screamed and I laughed and cried and prayed that I would never have to lose them again.

You never will. Not as long as you want them in your life. Hope is a powerful force Lucy. And your full of it.

I smiled wider and sank into their arms. Levy and MiraJane dragged me to the bar and we sat down, while Zeref stood in happy silence. He inclined his head when spoken to and smiled as we laughed and said our sorrys. Natsu and Gray finally made their way over and hugged me. Gray apologized repeatedly for being such an ' gigantic pompous ass ' as he put it. I smiled thanked him and kissed both his cheeks turning him cherry red. Everyone laughed and I joined them. I talked and laughed and enjoyed myself but I couldn't help but wonder what all the decorations were for. Or who.

Why don't you ask?

I nodded once and turned to face MiraJane completely. " Mira what are the decorations for? " I asked and an evil glint came into Mira's eye. I swallowed a groan as she gripped my hands and smiled sweetly at me. " Ask Zeref. " She said and placed my hands in his. Zeref stepped up behind me and whispered to me, " You said you wanted the guild to be there for the wedding. This is it. I asked MiraJane to arrange it. You would have asked her to do it anyway. She told me you had discussed your wedding plans with her when you were in love with Natsu. Your favorite colors were black and red at the time. My colors. " 

I smiled and turned around to face him. I kissed him slowly and then smiled. "  I love you. Let's do it. " Zeref smiled and dropped to one knee. I looked into his eyes and he squeezed my hand. " I promise to love you forever or as long as I live. Whichever comes last. I promise to support you for the rest of our lives. I love you. Lucy Heartfilia will you marry me? " He asked and I hesitated for just a second. A voice in the back of my mind whispered ' What about Natsu? ' but I shoved it back down. I could have said lots of things but I just nodded. " Yes. " The guild roared in approval. I heard Natsu and Gray cheering but it sounded fake and just a little bit forced.

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