Open Eyes

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" Melody? Who- What do you want from me? Wait. First, what are you? You don't look human." Melody smirked and closed her eyes. Her face began to shift and warp as scales began to appear on her arms and legs. I gasped as her face became clear. Silver scales lined her cheeks and throat, her ears pointed and scaled. She smiled and her teeth were brilliant white and pointed. " I am a dragon slayer just like you, Lucy-sama. You and your mother have been missing from the dragon world for over 15 years.  We searched long and hard for you but your mother hid you well. Layla-sama has not been heard from in 22 years. Tell me, Lucy-sama, does Layla-sama reside somewhere around here or are you living by yourself? " Melody asked, her face bright with hope and joy.

" Mom...Layla is dead. She has been for 3 years. " 

Melody held her smile in place for a second longer before it slowly drained off her pale face. " What? W-what do you mean, Lucy-sama? How did she die? " Melody asked and her voice dropped with each word until she was almost mouthing the words. " My father told me she was sick and one day she just died. My Father is dead now, too. " I said calmly but I could feel my heart begin to ache at the mention of my parents. 

" I'm so- sorry. So very sorry, Lucy-sama. And to have your husband ripped away from you like that. It's just barbaric how much pain you've suffered. " Melody said as tiny tears rolled down her beautiful silver scales. " That is why Kyo-San  sent me here to take you home. " She said and grabbed my hands and pierced the palm of my left hand , a single bead of blood seeping through the cut. She did the same to her right hand. She put her left hand underneath my bloody palm and closed her eyes, her body beginning to glow brighter and brighter.

I shut my eyes against the light but a sharp pain in the back of my head made my eyes snap open. It felt as if my skin had been set on fire, as if my very cells were vibrating with pain.  I gritted my teeth against the pain and through the pain I could feel Melody squeeze my hand lightly. I tried to smile but it felt like a grimace. It felt like my skull was going to explode but my body wouldn't move. I stood frozen in place as the pain lanced through my body.

Suddenly my fingertips were cold, the numbing pressure spreading slowly up my arms. I waited as my body went ice cold, the pain seeming to fade slower than before. The pain lingered in my shoulders, the blood begging to boil beneath my skin.

I could feel something begin to move and shake beneath my skin. I gasped as my skin tore itself in two with a loud wet ripping sound. I held myself perfectly still as I registered the new muscles behind my back and brush of air that hit my spine and lower back. I turned my head and watched as my golden wings fluttered lightly behind me. " I... I... I HAVE WINGS!!!! OH MY GOD! " I screamed as my wings rose and fell behind me.  

I collapsed onto the... air(?) in front of me, my body limp and sweaty. I was hovering above blue nothingness, my hands hanging limply in front of me as my body suspended itself on nothing. " Amazing isn't it? The first transformation? All that pain and cold and then suddenly you're floating over nothing. It's exhilarating! " Melody was flying in circles around me, her pale wispy, white hair floating around her body like rays of silver sunlight. Her smile was just as brilliant, her fangs not making a bit of difference.

" Wanna join me? " She asked and smirked down at me, her beautiful white wings beating calmly behind her. The thin membranes of skin stretched over the bones of her wings made her seem other-worldly and in fact she was. " Well? What are you waiting for, Lucy? " She said and just like that my wings snapped up and I was shot up to where Melody was hovering. " Wow. You're pretty fast for someone who just opened her wings. Let's see what you can do. I don't want Kyo-San and Saki-sama to have all the fun. " She said and beat her wings hard as she shot behind me and planted her feet lightly in my back, making me tumble forward a little.

I turned to glare at her playfully but she landed lightly on my shoulders, her smile triumphant. I smirked at her and grabbed her by her legs. Her eyes widened as I swung her forward and away from me, sending her spiraling into the sky. She went up, up, up and then she began  to fall. Faster and faster until she was 2 feet above me and her water blue dress flared around her. I caught her and smiled as she looked at me with mock frightened eyes. " Saki and Kyo-San are gonna have a ball with you." She said and climbed out of my arms, her silver wings beating slowly and surely.

She looked down at me and smiled. " Try to keep up. If you can't find me, open your senses to my image. You'll find me or I'll find you. " She said and with that she shot off towards the sun. I laughed and chased after her. It felt like Natsu had broken my heart years ago instead of the mere hours that I knew had passed. As I flew slowly after Melody I stared at the sun and thought of the two men in my life suddenly running wild in my head. The bright warm sun at my front, the cooling night at my back. Is that was I was destined for? Would Zeref always be at my back, Natsu my future? Would I never get my dark prince back?  " Come on, Lucy! " Melody called to me and the spell was broken. 

I smiled and wiped the tears that had slipped from my eyes. I was happy for the moment and that was enough for now. No matter who I came to meet, I would not let my past take away my future. I flew faster and faster, my heart racing in my chest. Suddenly an earth shattering roar split the sky. A roar I recognized. A huge black dragon flew up behind Melody, her eyes wide and her mouth open wide in surprise. She swung around and stared at the dragon as it approached her, it's black and blue wings glinting menacingly in the afternoon light.

Melody began to cry as the dragon got closer and closer to her, her eyes huge lapis pools of disbelief. The dragon came to a stop directly in front of Melody and her tears began to fall faster as she flew at Acnologia.  " Melody, NO!! " I shouted but both the dragon and the girl ignored me. Melody flew at Acnologia with open arms as the dragon hummed at her approach. 

" UNCLE GIA!! " 


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