Daydream in Paradise

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For all new readers, this was written before the episode on Natsu and Zeref's history was released. The chapter will not be changed in any  way, shape or form. If you prefer Zeref's last name to be Dragneel please substitute in your head if you wish.

I'd be lying if I said the party wasn't the most awesome party in the history of Fairy Tail. Zeref spun us onto the dance floor and we swirled in between the dizzying lights. Zeref smiled down at me as I watched all my friends faces blurred into a colorful tornado. 

How are you Mrs. Zeref?

So your not going to tell me your last name?

Cue sigh. I don't ...I don't have one. It's not that I have an aversion to you tacking my last name onto yours. Believe me I want to but I don't have one. Or it could possibly be that I had one but I just don't remember.

OH. Okay then. We'll come up with one for you.

Really? I could detect a small hint of mirth in his " voice ".

Yeah. How about... hm... Lazar?

Why not? At least it still has a z in it. I'll take it. How are you Mrs. Lazar?

I'm fine thank you. How are you husband?

I'm am more than anything happy. I feel like the luckiest man in the world right now. I get to keep you forever. You have no idea how many millenia I've waited for this moment. How long I've waited for you. I love you and I'm never letting you go. You are my life. My very soul. I couldn't live without you even if I tried.

I smiled at him and noticed that we'd come to a stop in the middle of the dance floor. The music was winding down and Zeref dipped us, so low that my bun touched the ground. " Well then. I guess I can't deny you this then. I love you. With all that I am I truly love you Zeref. " I said and he smiled down at me. He brought us back up and I kissed him soundly on the mouth. He kissed me back, his mouth hard on mine and his hand pressed deep into my lower back. I heard him groan into the kiss and his grip tightened slightly when I fluttered my closed eyes. His fingers dug into my exposed skin, the cloth feeling trasnparent and thin between his strong hands.

He picked me up and walked over to Master Makarov. " Master, I'll take her home now. We'll see you in the morning. I think. " Zeref looked down at me and winked making me blush bright red. Master smiled at me and grasped my free hand. " He'll take care of you. I know he will. You just have to let him child. " I felt ears pooling in my eyes and I smiled my widest smile. " Thank you Master. For everything. " I say and Zeref whisks me away to the front door of the guild. Cana, Mirajane, Levy, Wendy and Bisca stood at the front door. They held and shorter dress and flat shoes in hand. They surrounded me and before I knew it I was in a blood red dress and flat black shoes. The boys looked around and I saw Zeref with his hands and face raised upwards as if he were praying.

" He's keeping us out of sight and you covered. " Cana said and elbowed me in my ribs lightly. " He must really love you. " I nodded at her and Zeref turned around. He dropped his arms as he looked at me and the boys looked at me quizzically, no doubt wondering how I'd gotten in and out my clothes so fast. " Goodbye Fairy Tail! " I shouted and they cheered. Zeref picked me up again and I huffed. " I've got it. I can walk by myself you know. "

" I do. " He said and suddenly we were standing in front of his house, my feet still off the ground. He walked up to the front door and nudged it open. He back us up into the house and kicked the door closed.b He kissed me again and I giggled into the kiss. His tongue painted my lower lip and then he slipped it into my mouth. We came to a stop in front of his bedroom door and he smiled won at me. " We don't have to do this you know. I can wait. " He said but I knew that he didn't want to but he would if I asked him to.

 It was true. We didn't have to do this tonight or ever in fact. I could make him wait the rest of his life. Could I make him do that for me? I looked up into his eyes and he smiled lightly at me. I had my answer. I could make this man wait for me as much as I could make time stop or make the sun stop shining. I loved him and it would be nothing short of tragic if I made him wait for me. My mind was made up. I could see Zeref register my conviction and his jaw went slack.


I love you like I love to breath. I want this. I want you. For as long as I live I want you.

With that Zeref brought us into the room, candles burning low and the thick curtains drawn. I was ready for this. Ready for him. For him to stay with me, and love me, and hold me until we moved on. I would love him until I drew my last breath. Maybe even then.

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