Every cloud has a silver lining...

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Life sucks.

Did you know that? If you don't know that, there are only a few possibilities:
-you have a perfect life (almost impossible)
-you never watch movies (so never saw drama in movies)
-you have been inside for all your life and are used to doing nothing and don't mind being alone and inside. (Yeah, I don't think so)

Well, if you aren't in any of those 3 situations, your life probably sucks too in a way. Am I right?

Who am I kidding, life's great! I really really really love my life. At least, I used too. Maybe life isn't for me. I mean, who or what has decided to give me such a horrible life? I really can't take it anymore! First, mom dies while she was such a good person, then her death makes my dad an alcoholic maniac and now I discover I'm in love with my bestie. It's going to ruin everything we have! Does she feel the same way? Does she hate me? Does she see that I'm being different? I don't know!

Jay looks at the paper on his lap again. It's just what he does when he has something that needs to get off his chest: he writes a song about it. He sighs and throws his pen next to him. It's not even finished, that always feels bad. (By the way, I wrote that lyrics myself)

  (By the way, I wrote that lyrics myself)

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*knock, knock*

"Who's there?" Jay asks. "Your favorite person on earth, silly!" A familiar voice laughs. Jay can't help it, he just starts to smile. He gets an idea and starts joking around with her:"Let me think that through for a sec. No, I don't know anyone with the name: your favorite person on earth, silly. Well, sorry that you have such a long name! You must have a huge ID-card if you want to put that full name on there!" The door opens and a smiling Addison is standing in the doorway. "How dare you joke with your best friend forever!" Addison tries to say as serious as possible, wich is almost impossible. Suddenly, they both break into laughter. Then Jay reminds himself that those lyrics are about Addison and that she could read it if she noticed it. Jay's eyes widen and he tries to take the lyrics and hide them, but it's too late. Addison saw it and took the paper from Jay's lap to read it. Jay bites his lip. His hands suddenly became so interesting! When he looks up, he sees that Addison is looking at him and crying. When Jay opens his mouth to say something, Addison closes the door and sits down on the bed next to Jay.

(-Addison AND •Jay)
-Is this about me?
•I didn't have the guts to tell you. I don't want to ruin things. But, yeah, I'm crazy over you!
-I feel the same way, Jay. I love you too.

Jay looks up in disbelief. Is his crush seriously admitting her feelings to him?!
Wow! How unexpected!
Before they realise, they drown in each others eyes. Their lips are only centimeters apart. The moment their lips connect, Jay feels a bomb of butterflies exploding in his stomach. It's at that moment that he realises how crazy he is about this girl. When they pull away, Jay asks:"Are we together now?" Addison smiles and nods. Jay's smile widens and he is sure nothing or nobody will ever get that smile away! They lie down and fall asleep in each other's arms.

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