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*Read this chapter for choice 1: the text is from Mason*

Here are the choices again:
- [ __________________ ] Choice 1: It's from Mason who wants to talk with her about his feelings for Addison.
-[ ...Yes, baby, that is true... ] Choice 2: It's from Jay who wants to talk with her about his feelings for Addison.
-[ ...I truly love you so... ] Choice 3: It's from Roy who wants to talk with her about his feelings for Addison.
-[ ...but I'm not gonna' tell you yet... ] Choice 4: It's from Asad who wants to talk with her about his feelings for Addison.
-[ ...'Cause I can't let you go... ] Choice 5: Stop exaggerating 😆😁! It's just a text from Diego who wants to talk about their mom's birthday. They want to have a surprise party for her.

So this chapter is the end if you chose choice 1. Enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading the story, since this will be the last chapter you'll read normally except from the thank you chapter (unless you decide you're too curious and you cheat and read all the endings or a few of them, did I catch you? No worries, I would've done the same thing!) . Enjoy reading!


~Addison's point of view~

I read the text over and over again while I search through my brain what he would want to talk to me about, as if somewhere in between the words the answer is hidden. I did notice he became more distant, but not extremely. He didn't seem hurt or offended, so I knew I didn't do anything wrong. He just looked nervous and confused, he just looked off. I let it slide, but now he texts me we need to talk? What's going on? I feel really worried and confused. Did I do something? I close my eyes and try to stay calm. I don't know why, but the last few months I noticed my breathing gets faster when I experience the slightest amount of stress, discomfort or worry. I focus on my breath for a second and get it under control rather quickly. ''Good, one possible problem less,'' I think to myself. I stare at my phone again and sigh when I see the screen is black, since I didn't touch the screen for like a minute or something 😒. I turn my phone back on and immediately the text pops up again. I think about an answer for a second, then decide to ask him when he would like to talk. He replies almost immediately, catching me even more off guard: As fast as possible.
Okay? That sounds even more worrying. What he carrot is wrong? Did somehing happen?

~Mason's point of view~

After an hour of doubts, I finally send the text message. I kept it simple and short. Just a simple 'We need to talk.' Was the period too much? Well, she's seen it, so there's no way back now! I throw my phone on my bed and put my palms over my eyes in frustration and nerves. What if... NO! No what ifs now! That would only make me more nervous and stressed out! I take a deep breath and just when I'm starting to calm down, my notification sound rings through the room. My whole body tenses up at the sound. I run towards my bed and take my phone. The screen lights up and shows me I recieved a text message from Addison. I unlock my phone and send a message back without thinking: As fast as possible. Was the period too much again? I don't know, there's only one way to find out: wait. We eventually decide to meet in the park closeby in an hour. I'm so nervous. I'm scared she already knows something's off. I tried to avoid her a little the last few weeks, I just got way too nervous around her and I didn't want to make it awkward. I went upstairs to clean my room, dad doesn't want me to trash the house, since him and Jay renovated it not too long a go.

~In the park an hour later, Addison's point of view~

I reach the entrance of thepark and stand still for a second. Since Mason seemed really nervous, I expect him to be here already. When my eyes find the boy sitting on a bench, my expectation gets verified. I walk up to him and greet him, sitting down on the bench next to him.

(-Addison AND •Mason)

-Hi Mase!
•*clears throat* Hi Addison. How are you?
-I'm good, you made me really worried with your texts! Are you okay?
•Um...Yeah, I'm fine, I just wanted to talk to you.
-Yeah, I figured. *Nervous laugh* I just wondered about what? I mean, I noticed you've been avoiding me the last few weeks, you seemed nervous and confused. I don't know, you just seemed off. I thougt I didn't do anything wrong, but now I doubt that. So what's going on?
•*Sighs and scratches the back of his neck* You did nothing wrong, Addison. I've just been having something on my mind that makes me nervous around you. I didn't want to make things awkward or something, so I tried avoiding you. Today, I felt like I just had enough courage to tell you what's on my mind, so now we're here!
-*nods* I understand and I appreciate your thoughtfullness, but I really care about you, you became one of my best friends! I love to help you with whatever it is on your mind!
•Yeah, I figured you would say that, but you had so much on your mind, you've been clean for over a month now! I'm so proud of you for doing that! I just didn't want to bother you with my issues, that's all. I'm sorry!
-No worries, Mase! So, spill the tea!
•Ehm...I...I've been having this feeling around you since the first time I saw you. I...I...I'm in love with you, Addison. I'm not asking you anything, I just needed it off my chest. I'm sorry I just...
-Don't ever apologise for feeling Mason, it's okay, just unexpected. I just hope it won't get awkward between us, but that's our own responsibility to stay friends through all this, unless you think it would hurt you too much, I don't want that! I don't look differently at you now, just so you know. If you ever need someone to talk to or to help you or anything, if you need me I'll be there! I really think it's important that we tell each other what we're comfortable with, because I can imagine there are some things that just don't feel right for you now you have feelings for me and I think we need to tell each other those things, or those little irratations get too much and that would ruin our friendship. I'm sorry I can't tell you I feel the same, but things change and maybe one day, but don't let that maybe make you wait for me forever, okay? I'm just saying we don't know where life will take us, but yeah, I'm talking too much again, so I'll let you actually say something now! *laughs*
•No I think you're totally right! Thank you for understanding and not getting mad at me! I do think we need to tell each other everything, since that's what friends do! I will tell you if I'm not comfortable with something, but you need to do that to! I just hope it won't hurt me too much. I'll let you know if it does; though! So, still friends?
- Of course!

~Narrator's point of view~

So Addison and Mason stayed friends, but it never felt the same. Mason found it really hard when Addison got together with Roy a year later. She became very happy. Mason had to wait for love a little longer. When he moved to the USA to go to college there, he found the girl of his dreams and eventually moved to the USA for good after he graduated college. Addison and Mason lost contact and their friendship dissappeared over the years. They inly ever see each other briefly when Mason is back to see his dad and brother. Jay always arranged a friend group sleepover when Mason was around again, but Addison and Mason just never really spoke again. You know how it goes, just some small talk!
The important thing is that they both found their happiness!

Jay discovered Livia had feelings for him all along and eventually, he fell for her too! They are very happy!

Emmanuel has been single all this time, he's comfortable with being on his own until he finds the right girl! He always wanted to become a doctor, so he started studying to become one! After those years, he started specializing and eventually, his dreams became true and he now has his dream job. One day, he will find love too and his life will be complete too!

.•*"*•The end•*"*•.


This is the end (at least if you're not planning on cheating and reading the other endings too 😁)! Next week, I'll post another chapter, just to say thank you and all that and to announce something 😯🤭🤐
Anyways, have a nice day!
All the love ❤️


Bf means best friend OR boyfriend?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin