28 | linked minds dream alike

Start from the beginning

It happened again. For the next few weeks.

She'd sleep immediately after late hours of her work to cope from her stress, and she'd find herself settled in different places when she'd fall into slumber. The most common setting in her dreams would have to be Hogwarts.

And each time, he was there.

And they talked.

Granted, it started off stiff and awkward, unknowing of what to say to each other despite it not mattering at all because he was a figment of her dreams. But this man was someone she never considered would be in her dream, let alone the only one to be in it out of all the other candidates that her dream could've used in place of him.

Gradually, after many more weeks later, their talks would become casual. There was still somewhat of an emotional barrier between them that kept from completely being themselves around each other, but it was casual enough to drop the awkward stances and fill the sudden silences they'd often have.

Regardless, talking to you felt like the air. It was easy yet sometimes it felt suffocating. I'd forget what you've done and start rambling about simple things. Yet before I get carried away, I remember myself. You were the boy who destroyed my childhood. I've moved past from it of course, but I never really planned on seeing you after Hogwarts.

"Have you eaten today?" The blond boy clad in a forest green robe and black trousers had asked her once on the comforts of the Gryffindor sofa. He'd complain, like his usual self would, that they should talk in the Slytherin room instead. But she refused, it felt more comfortable at a place somewhere familiar with someone who wasn't.

"No," she answered honestly. It's not like he'd care to judge anyway, he was a hoax. "Work was tiring today, I just wanted to sleep when I came home. So I did."

He furrowed his brows, thinking for a moment before encouraging her to follow him once he hopped off the couch and near the exit of the common room.

"Follow me."

She complied and they went to the kitchens, the door willingly opening at a mere touch of their palm. There, all corners of the counter were full of different types of meals and desserts. Her mouth watered at the delicious scent of the fresh food, but she frowned at the guy who set this up.

"You know this won't do anything, right?"

He looked at her confusedly, "What do you mean? It's food. Go eat."

She shook her head at him, forgetting that he wouldn't understand. "Nevermind. Thank you, Malfoy."

It was strange though. Some dreams were too much of a coincidence. When I dreamt of telling you I was hungry, a box of food was sent to my flat the day after claimed to come from an unknown admirer from work.

In another dream, they laid on the soft grass looking up at the bright constellations in the quidditch field. At this point, they were comfortable to talk about anything, from their favorite colors to their deepest concerns. Even to the point where they could say the stupidest things, and neither would criticize.

"You see that?" He raised his arm to point at the dark sky. "That's me."

"Where?" She squinted, trying to aim her sights perfectly to where he was pointing.

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