I stifled a yawn,as I closed my book then looked around the class with tired eyes,group of girls were chatting excitedly,while some guys goofed around,then some were quietly reading a book. I sighed again as I looked at my schedule,"ugh...finally,lunch break",i mumbled to myself as I quickly packed my books then exited the class.

I stopped at the middle of the hallway as I remembered I don't even know where the cafeteria was,I turned to my left to see if I could ask someone,I tried to to look for a friendly face,I noticed a light skinned guy coming out of the class,he looked kinda friendly.

I quickly rushed to him,"Hey....uhmm can you tell me where the cafeteria is"?,I said nervously fumbling with my fingers as I looked at his face,he is a little bit taller than me,black eyes,brown curly hair,with pink plump lips,he is kinda cute I won't even lie.

He smiled as he looked at me,"Sure I can take you there,I was on my way there anyways",he said as he shrugged his shoulders,he had a British accent.

"Thank you",I said with a little smile

"Alright let's go",he said,"What's your name"?,he asked as he looked at me.

"Uhm...Elaine,how about you"?I asked with a small smile.

"Leo",he said as he opened the door to the cafetaria,I was greeted by the smell of pizza and fries,it made my stomach rumble. I didn't get to eat this morning so i'm really hungry now.

"Someone is hungry",Leo said with a grin as he made his way to the line.

I lowered my head in embarrassment as I smiled.Looking back up I glanced around the cafeteria,loud chattering between people filled up the cafeteria,while some people scrolled through their phone as they ate their food.

"After you",Leo said with a boyish grin as he bowed his head in a gentle man style

I rolled my eyes as I laughed at him,"oh please",I said,we both laughed. I stood at the back of a girl while he stood at my back.

It finally got to my turn to order after forever,"uhm...can I have two slices of pizza please",I said to the lady serving the food.

I took my food then went to the vending machine to get a Coca-Cola drink.I waited for Leo to take his orders then we both went to find an empty table,He chose a table beside a window,I didn't mind because I love the view.

We quietly ate our food as I looked outside the window I really liked the view it was peaceful,I was lost in my thoughts until a fry landed on my nose,I looked at Leo with a raised eyebrow,"What?...were you saying something"?,I asked as I took another bite from my pizza.

"Uh....I said what were you thinking about,you seem so lost in your thoughts and you were kinda frowning",he said with a concern look on his face.

I sighed,"Nothing much..... I guess I'm just tired....",I said looking outside again then looked back at him with a small smile.

"Okay...",he said then went back to eating his fries.

"Oh there you are,I have been looking everywhere for you Elaine",Isabel said as she sat down at the left side of Leo."hi Leo",she said with a smile on her face."Hey",Leo responded with a shy smile.

My eyes widen as I totally forgot we were supposed to meet during lunch,"I'm so sorry Isabel I forgot",I said apologetically with a small frown.

"Yeah...don't worry about it...so I'm going to give you my English note so you can write down what we have done so far and can I have your number so I can text you the novels we are using for the class",she said as she ransacked her bag for her English note.

"Yeah sure",I said.

"Okay here is my phone",she said as she passed her phone to me.

I quickly typed my number then gave it back to her.

"Alright here is my English note,you can return it whenever you are done with it okay",she said with a smile.

"Thank you so much Isabel"I said with a grateful smile.

"You're welcome.....I wanna go order now I would be right back",she said as she stood up from her seat.

Glancing through her notes,I admired her handwriting it's so neat and her notes were so organized.

"Elaine...!!",I looked up to see Luca with a smirk on his face.

"We meet again",he said as he sat down beside me.

I could smell his cologne from where I was seating,it has a really nice scent. He stole a fry from Leo's plate then ate it as he looked at him with a mischievous smile.

"How about you go get your own fries yeah....",Leo said as he shaked his head in with a small smile on his face

"There is something called sharing bro,and besides I don't feel like getting up from this chair",Luca shrugged as reached again to take another of his fries,Leo smacked his hands away

"Ouch",Luca cried out in pain as he massaged his hands.

I was drinking my coke when that happened,I burst into laughter looking at Luca who has a sour look on his face,it was really funny to me, suddenly I started coughing as my eyes began to water.

"Here...."Luca patted my back with a smirk on his face,"That's what you get for laughing at me"he smiled.

I smacked him on his arm,"oh shut up",I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Take",Leo handed me a bottle of water,I smiled appreciatively at him as I quickly gulped half of it.

I dropped it on the table then glanced at the two of them,"You guys know each other"I said pointing my fingers at the both of them.

"Yeah,this dumb person here happens to be my best friend",Leo said with a playful smile.

"Pfft.... whatever man",Luca said as he rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face.

"So Elaine are you coming to the game on Friday night"?,Luca asked.

I shrugged my shoulders,"I'm not sure yet",I said as I finished the last piece of my pizza.I don't know if I would come to watch the game only if my family came along with me, because I'm not really allowed to go out at night alone.

"Oh... okay",he said.

"Yeah....are you part of the school team"?,I asked.

"Uh... you're looking at the star quarterback of this school",he said with an arrogant smile.

I rolled my eyes,"yeah...yeah",I said.

"Don't mind him Elaine he gets all cocky anytime he is being asked that question",Leo said.

Isabel came back with a tray on her hands as she resumed her seat beside Leo. she quickly took a bite of her pizza then closed her eyes as she moaned,"yum...this Is so good",she opened her eyes then noticed Luca sitting beside me,"oh....hey Luca,I didn't know you were here",she said with a smile,a small blush appeared oh her cheeks. I noticed Leo was looking at her with an unreadable expression on his face

Luca smiled at her,"hey Isabel",he said then looked back at me. I quickly faced the front,it didn't take long before the school bell rang."oh my....I didn't even get to finish my food",Isabel said as she frowned her face with a pout on her lips,I looked at her with a sad smile on my face.

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