Li Lian was quick to utilize their mistake of attacking her at the same time by falling to the ground, making them hit each other. She skidded on the ground, swiftly rolled over and hurriedly sliced their legs causing them to hit the ground in pain―giving her victory.

“Hao! Well done!” The man came to her side and absentmindedly slashed their throats for her, ending them.

Li Lian gasped. “Why did you do that? That was unnecessary.” Was death always the answer?

Having watched their partners get killed, the men under the tree took their swords and made their way to them. They made a neat circle around them.

Li Lian was now back to back with the mysterious man.

“I should have known it was you, Oren.” The tattooed man said in disgust.

Wait, Oren?

Oren was the emperor's swordmaster, the same person Yuwen Hong had been looking for. And he was right in front of her.

“You are in my territory. Where else would I be?” Oren retorted.

“This is Nevoria’s land.”


Tattooed man laughed. "You die today.”

Oren didn't reply. He was nonchalant and seemingly bored. He toyed with his sword by writing some characters on the dust.

'My land. No trespassing.'

The tallest man that was next to the tattooed man grew curious and took a few steps to read the words.

But it was his biggest and most fatal mistake. Oren simultaneously cut off his head, blood splattering around with some particles landing on Li Lian's face.

Her face scowled in disgust, and for a few minutes, she didn't breathe. It was so disgusting and horrific. The events of the day were enough to stain her lifetime dreams.

No wonder he was the master of Yuwen Hong. Definitely, the ruthlessness of Yu'er had to be learnt from someone.

The men started backing away slowly, but Oren held his sword up to halt them.

"Choose." He polished his blade with the back of his sleeve. "Jumping off the cliff or having your heads cut?"

They chose the cliff.

The men turned for the cliff but were too slow as Oren chased after them. He was as the wind, fast on his feet and untraceable.

More bloody gore, more slashed heads, more grunting of pain.

Blood, blood, blood everywhere.

After Oren was done killing, the place was a flooded river of scarlet.

"I changed my mind. There is no choosing." He said.

Li Lian huddled, wrapping her hands around herself. For the first time, she missed Yuwen Hong and wished he was there. He would carry her away like he always did and whisper to her that it was all just a dream, that she could forget about everything that had happened and be at peace.

Oren looked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. He didn't smile or dare make things comfortable for her. His eyes resembled winter and under his stare, she felt the cold. His warmth when he was on the tree was probably the last she would ever get.

"How is your mother?" he started.

She did not know where her mother was or who it was.

"I… I don't know who my mother is."

He used the clothes of the lying body next to him to wipe his sword. Just like the first time she met Yuwen Hong.

Another look at her. "Do you know who I am?"

She nodded.

When addressed by him she felt way younger. That immature woman. No, that girl younger than one who just became of age.

"Yuwen… uh… the emperor speaks of you quite a lot."

There was a swishing sound, metal against metal as he put his sword back in its case. "Hong'er, yes, still my best student to date."

She smiled ruefully. "He boasts about that too."

Oren didn't falter his visage in return. He probably didn't like… or better yet, didn't know how to react to things, thus just lazy to entertain the social aspect of life.

Cracking silence and awkwardness zoomed in on them. She kept checking on Concubine Pi from the corner of her eye, concerned by the passing time.

Silently, she hoped he would leave. With him around, unfortunately she couldn't do much for Concubine Pi. Thus, she was anxious to see him not attempting to depart, as if he stalled because she was an intriguing play thing he recently attained.

"Elora abandoned you too, didn't she?"


"Your mother."

She frowned. "My name is Elora, not my mother."

One eyebrow of his jumped, making Li Lian feel stupid, but for what reason, she didn't know.

When Concubine Pi coughed, Li Lian couldn't stand back anymore. She ran over to the deserted body lying near the edge of the cliff.

Oren casually followed, not hurried. He probably went after her to satisfy his curiosity.

Concubine Pi’s eyes were squinted and blood was sipping out of her mouth. Tears leaked from her eyes as she harshly breathed, trying to hang on.

“Please help…” She muttered helplessly. “Please help my baby.”

“Don’t worry, I will do the best I can. Hang on, please.” Li Lian searched her body for the spot she was willing to cut.

Oren warily watched the situation, which had her hesitant to cut herself. His eyes were void of emotion and empathy. “She won’t live even if you were to kill ten princesses of Furia.”

“I can save her.” Li Lian argued.

Oren didn't reply, his rime attitude ridiculing her.

Since he knew her blood could save, there was no use in waiting. She sliced her wrist using her sword and a gush of red blood began to ooze. “Drink this, Concubine. Drink.”

She forced her hand on the lips of the concubine.

This had Oren annoyed, who kicked Li Lian off and just like that, he twisted Concubine Pi's head and broke her neck.

~Author's note~

All credits to lucialeerespasion for editing this chapter. Thank you for helping with the editing when I couldn't.


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