Devil's gyrate

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Chapter 53

Imperial Concubine Wei
Wei Li Lian

Mistress Ki once said there are different phases a person goes through emotionally when they are faced with devastating news. The first one was denial, which Li Lian experienced in the first few minutes of finding out. Then there was anger, which Li Lian made a good show of a few hours ago.

And next?

Li Lian was awoken by her own snoring. She was not sleeping well with her leg right over Yuwen Hong's torso and her hand over his neck. He was still and slept on his back, his body rigid. Unlike her, he was quiet and you would not know he was there if it was not for the feel of him.

She was already aware that she was not in her room due to the plush bed. Hers was not that comfortable or did the chamber have the smell of exotic flowers.

She groaned and yawned, and just like that, the memory of the banquet immersed her mind, bringing back the heartache and helplessness.

With such a night, she needed to wake up and find herself back at the quarters and hear Dao's thoughts concerning Qi becoming the empress. Dao would rant, curse, and make fun of the matter, making Li Lian laugh. Her maid was always mean and Li Lian regularly had to chastise her, but on some days she played a part in making Li Lian let go of things.

She then sat up and stretched her body tiredly. It was quite dark, therefore the sun was nowhere near rising. She got out of bed and began feeling the floor for a lamp and the flammable sticks to light it up.

It did not take time for her to find them and get the lamp on. As a female attendant, one of her duties was to always leave the lamp on the floor by the bed because apparently the emperor sometimes woke up during the night to study.

She placed the lamp on the bedside small table. 

Yuwen Hong was sensitive to movements, probably due to him having versed martial arts. He obviously heard her already.

"What's wrong?" He mewled tiredly, still half asleep. 

She didn't say anything back as she watched his large foam so at peace. His head rested on his hand, face staring at the roof and his other hand on his bare stomach. It was his preference to sleep with his torso naked and only wearing his black silk trousers that hung low on his hips. 

Yuwen Hong easily got hot and sweating, so the blanket was always hers. He once said he got immune to the cold when he practised martial arts and would get severe punishments from his master. However, his mother told her a different story. Yu'er was also prone to severe attacks of the cold disease during winters, and every winter of his life he had battled one.

"Are you feeling cold?" she asked.

"No," he muttered lazily.

"Your mother said you easily get cold. I will warm you up." She pushed away from her blankets and tossed off the nightwear dress that Court Lady Nam put on her earlier. She was then left with her underneath padding wraps that she effortlessly got out of. 

Her long hair fell all over her bare skin as she went on top of him, seating herself on his pelvis. 

This disturbed his sleep and his eyes drastically opened to see her on top of him. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." She shyly said. 

"Li Lian..." 

She put her finger on his lips to shut him up.

Her body fell on him with her hands caressing his biceps, breasts crushing on his chest. "Is... is it because we haven't had sex that you chose her?"

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