Bonus chapter.

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(A/N Just a little extra something to entertain myself and clear up the the story end for everyone. Enjoy!)

Classic's view:

Another fight with Fell. Why does everything set that asshole off? It was something stupid as usual. Someone spilled his mustard and he just immediately blames me. Ehh, that was about two hours ago and he had stormed off. Time to go bring him back before Edge yells at me too.

A handy little shortcut brought me to the AU. It wasn't that long ago that Paps and I finally got that machine working and it opened all kinds of loopholes for my shortcuts. The port felt a bit off. Like a small shove in a different direction.

The light was too bright when I arrived, the snow too white. Little changes like the absence of yells. I thought nothing of it at first, just the brighter Underground of the freed Fell monsters.

"Red, where are ya? I wanna talk about earlier!" I yell out, surely he's around here somewhere.

I waited a few seconds. I could feel eyes on me, but he was hiding pretty well.

"Red! Come on out! I don't got patience for your games." I yell, sparking annoyance in my tone.

"Well, I don't know a Red, but I'm pretty blue myself?" I hear a small, trembling voice reply.

That wasn't Red. I whip around. I could feel the stare coming from... up the tree? I step back a bit, ready to port randomly if this monster was hostile.

"Who's there?" I ask loudly.

"Um... Sans. Who are you? What are you doing here?" The Sans floats out from behind the tree looking as if he's readying for an attack.

I stare as he floats closer and fidgets a bit.

"Call me Classic, buddy. Where's everyone else?" I counter with a question.

"Everyone else? Did you call others here?" He looks confused and I realize my mistake.

"Oh gosh! You're probably in the middle of a timeline! Just give me your SOUL for a sec so I know which way to go will ya?" I ask, ready to go back home and leave this AU be.

His raindrop-shaped eyelight lights a bright red and he throws a ball of fire at me. I quickly dodge, but don't retaliate. This guy's just confused after all.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going to go over there and wake up. Maybe I'll see you next dream 'Classic'" With that remark, he turns and starts to float off towards the trees again.

I quickly encase his SOUL in blue magic and he tumbles to the floor a bit harder than I meant him to. I walk over and pull his SOUL to me as his eyes widen in fright and he gulps audibly. I knew I was scaring the hell outta this guy, but I had no idea where I was, and I wasn't supposed to interfere with Timelines.

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