Chapter 13

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White, ringing silence. That's the "sound" that greets me when I force my eyelights open. The ringing was everywhere and nowhere as I struggled off of the floor. My new triangular gash throbs painfully. I stumble down the stairs and pull up my stats briefly. Yeesh, it's way afternoon, but my stamina has barely risen past the halfway point. Some strawberry pops, that's what I need. I grab my favorite candy from the bowl and let the aroma surround me as I open the wrapper. Did I really do that? Gaster would be so disappointed. He wanted us to have the best life possible. Well... after yesterday, I think my life is going to be a lot longer than anticipated.

My stamina rose to about three-quarters full as the pop dissolved on my tongue. Hmm... magic seems to be working properly at least. I go through the whole wheel and it all seems to work fine. I need a distraction. Grillby! I bet he'll want to know I'm okay. I go upstairs and grab Pap's scarf carefully. His smell was still on it. Wrapping it and tying it with shaking fingers. I go into his room to pick up the mess. I left my pants in there last night when I switched them for his. I wipe off the bit of drool that was left when I slept there. I think that's it...

Half an hour later I arrive at Grillby's. I had put a pale-colored band-aid over the gash so if you looked at me from a distance or an angle you wouldn't even notice it. Grillby jumps when I walk through the door, but remains silent, allowing me to speak first. Wow, he always knows what I need.

"Hey Grillbz" I give him a half genuine smile

"Hello, Sans. Are you feeling alright?" He tilts his head.

"Yeah... just shook up y' know?" I move over so I'm behind the register.

He lifts his hand and I can feel the warmth envolop my wound and sooth the pain.

"Sans? What happened here?" His voice is laced with worry.

"I'll tell you later grillbz. Don't worry about it for now, I just need a distraction." I mutter.

He looks at me and I could pratically feel the curiosity coming off of him in waves. The first coustomer walks through the door and I ring up their order while Grillby goes to the back to start it up.

???'s view:

Heh heh heh. That's very interesting. He won't even tell his friend what he did. Is he ashamed of his action? Or just wary? Master will be elated. But I know Sans. I know everything. Nothing you do will escape my eye. I must tell Master what he's been up to, but not now. I shall wait.

Sans' view:

I shiver slightly. It seems almost as if the coldest wind had blown through the door long after the coustomer had left. I swing my arms a bit. Seems like it's going to be one of those slow days. I stretch luxuriously with a yawn. Grillby is humming behind me while prepping potatoes.

"Grillbz... don't interrupt okay? Just... listen" I mumble, not even sure if he heard me.

His humming stops immediately and I feel him stiffen behind me.

"You remember when I told you about my turquoise magic, right? Well... I wasn't aware of exactly what it did. *sigh* I... I tried to end it last night Grillbz. I took dad's gun from his dresser and put it to my head. I wanted to shoot out my damn eye at first, but I couldn't go through with it. So I shot my head y' know. I passed out for... I'm guessin' it was for about two, maybe three hours. But then I woke up Grillby. Marrow was all over the place. Lucky I woke up soon enough for it to not stain. I couldn't heal the wound either. It just... it hurt so fucking bad that I couldn't bear it. I went back to Pap's room and passed out again before I even made it to the bed. What I'm saying is... I think I can't die Grillby. And... and I'm terrified as anything. What if these killings keep happening? What if I end up being the only one left? I just... I'm so scared Grillby!" I turn and hug him tightly.

I feel him wrap his arms tightly as well and I bite back a sob.

"Please... please promise you won't leave me too Grillbz. You're all I have left..." Toriel had disappeared with a number of young monsters two weeks before Pap had.

He sighs and I hear a sizzling noise. I look up to see a tear running down his face leaving a smoking trail behind. He stares down at me and audibly gulps.

"Tell you what Sans, you swear to never ever try that again and I won't leave you? Sound okay?" He tilts his head.

"Sounds like a deal Grillby." I smile up at him.

The rest of the day passed in relative silence between us. Only the occasional question and answer broke it. Too soon, it was time to close shop. He went off right and I went left after our goodbye. The walk was silent. I counted the steps, losing track when I stopped to retie Pap's scarf. A skittering noise. I whip around as it gets right behind me.

"AHHHH" I scream loudly.

A horrible stench as a terrible deer/snake looking thing rears tall behind me. A flash of silvery, red-stained teeth and it was gone.It had stood on two legs and its eyes... those horrible black, blank eyes. They dripped an odd black substance as they looked ahead with a dead stare. Long, black claws protruded from its front hooves.I thought snake at first because of the forked tongue and fangs hanging from that terrible mouth. The whole image was terrifying and I was really glad it disappeared so quickly. Wait... what if that... thing is what has been taking monsters? What was it?

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