Chapter 9

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I had not been expecting anything to happen that night, but as I lay back upon the grass I couldn't help this feeling that something big was about to happen. Despite the pouring rain, Papyrus and Valentine were fast asleep. Unable to shake the feeling, I got to my feet and decided to look around. After an hour I had looked at every face there. It took me that long to realize that dad was nowhere to be found. Immediately my mind went into panic mode as a flood of images rushed before my eyes. There was only one place to look.

I... I found him. Well, what was left of him. I can't believe this. This has to be another dream! I turn rapidly, my small dinner threatening to make a reappearance. This is impossible. I collapse by the green, now red, scarf, and clasped it in my hands. Dad... who did this to you? My raindrop eye flashed a violent red and I had to drop the scarf in fear of burning what little evidence remained. There were only three monsters missing this time that I had noted. Asgore, Grillby, and Flowey. Flowey said it hurt his roots to absorb so much water so Pap had led him home in a pot. I had accidentally destroyed Grillby's umbrella when experimenting with plant magic so he couldn't come to the Rainfall just yet while he fixed it. The only person unaccounted for was... Asgore... but how? Or why? Why would Asgore want his own ex-royal scientist dead?

I couldn't bring myself to get back on my feet to find Papyrus. It felt as if my mind had just completely stopped working. I sat there and stared at dad's scarf until the early morning light started and a very worried looking Undyne ran up to me with Alphys behind her. I didn't even flinch as Undyne stopped beside me and shook my shoulders. Alphys was a stuttering mess as usual as she picked up dad's scarf and the dust crunched beneath her feet.

"U-Undyne! Don't s-shake him! He's p-probably in shock! Stand b-back."

Alphys crouched to my eye level and slowly waved her clawed hand before my eyes. She nods slowly when I make no reaction and signals to Undyne who gently picks me up and places me on her shoulder. Alphys takes out a vial and scrapes some of the blood off of the scarf. then she sweeps some of the dust on the floor into a separate vile. She puts the scarf into a case of sorts and has Undyne carry me to the lab. I see all of this as though from very far away and through very foggy glasses. I can't seem to do anything, despite the fact that I wanted to scream until I could scream no more. Dad... he was gone and he wouldn't be coming back this time. It... it was my fault wasn't it? I was such a damn coward that I didn't want to take my visions seriously. How could I let this happen?

When we got to the lab Alphys bustled around and came back with a familiar bottle. She opened it and let the strong scent of my favorite liquor waft over me. The smell snapped me out of whatever trance I was in and I started to hyperventilate. Undyne left in a hurry to make the announcement and make sure the king was alright. Alphys gave me a small paper bag and when I had finally calmed down the tears came of their own accord. I wasn't sad, no, no, I was angry. Angry at myself, angry at Asgore, hell, I was even angry at dad. Alphys was questioning me. What did she say? Oh, she asked if I saw what happened. I shake my head slowly, the magic tears dripping down my chin. She asked me a few more yes/no questions, allowing me to not speak, which I was extremely grateful for.

Eventually, Papyrus came to the lab, accompanied by Undyne. Luckily my tears had gone so my brother didn't have to see that side of me. Papyrus on the other hand was gushing waterfalls of tears. I jump off of the small table and run to him, enveloping him in a warm hug. His tears soak my purple jacket and he's taking great gulps of air as if he couldn't get enough. Undyne's and Alphy's words of comfort fall on deaf ears as we held onto each other, two lights amongst a sea of darkness. When he's calmed down Alphys gives us the promise to have the results of DNA testing in a week's time and Undyne brings us back home.

It's... strange, just how empty and silent a house could be when it was full of chattering people. Papyrus had actually taken dad's death better than I had. By the next day he was mostly normal. He tried to get me to eat, but I had temporarily taken refuge in my locked room and refused to come out. A new paper had been pinned above my bed. Dad's name adorned the top and by the dusk I had written down every sign I had received as warning. Scribbles and hastily sketched pictures lined the footnotes of the torn paper. Every hint or clue I had ever had, but it wasn't fitting together! I have all of the pieces in front of me so why wasn't it falling into place?!? The warnings were random and sporadic. Short bursts of visions or sometimes even a day where he didn't pop up at all in my precognition. 

I close my eyes and focus some energy around me, forming a shield. Soon the ground of Hotland was forming before my eyes. I try to recreate the scenario with what little information I had, but having never seen the assailant's face, it was extremely difficult. I kept getting little tugs of magic in a different direction. I blinked my sockets rapidly. No footprints other than Gaster's? How did I not notice that? I need to tell Alphys right now.

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