5. Wounds

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(Tiger's POV)

As I shot both of them in the head, there was a chilling silence in the air that followed. Another unproductive day. Another nuisance in the business. Another day of pain and suffering - not just for the twins, but for me and my men as well. These affairs had never disgusted me, never made me feel like I regret the kind of life I live. But tonight, everything was different. As I saw my men flock towards me to clean my wounds, as I saw the other men picking up the dead bodies and finding a way to dispose them, I felt so unfamiliar to all of this. This sight became completely novel to me. At this moment, all I wanted was to play chess with my dad in his study or to workout with him in the gym. At this moment, all I wanted was to assist my mamma in the kitchen as we slowly groove to old Italian music playing in the background. Is that too much to ask for?

How long? For how long must I live in the inferno I have created? Why am I being burned in the inferno I created for my enemy? And when will that time come, when I will be able to live my job again? Will that time ever come? Do I possess the strength to bring that bastardo to justice? Or am I a failure?

My mind was exploding by asking all these questions to myself and I didn't even realize where I was anyway. As I opened my eyes, I found myself on the backseat of my car, while Luca was at the front, driving. I had received bruises on my forehead, jaw and nose, and a piece of glass had cut open my left hand. Yeah, I was badly injured but it wasn't the first time, so it didn't matter to me. Then, I suddenly realized,

"You asshole, why are you driving my car? Where is your own?"
I asked him, not having the energy to shout or get angry.

"Oh come on, just one time! I'm not even drunk right now!!"
Luca whined. He actually whined in front of me.

"I did see you drink two glasses of whiskey earlier so don't tell me you didn't drink at all. But if anything happens to this car, you're going to pay for it with your life."
I warned him drowsily, before falling back into the seat and close my eyes.

Life was hard, it was never a bad of roses. There were times that were bearable and then, there were times that just make you feel like giving up your life is better. But, it wasn't always like that. I also had an extremely normal and happy childhood. I grew up in the living shadow of my parents and always thought that as long as my mamma and dad are with me, I'm the ruler of this world. Then, one day, everything changed - it cracked all at once, collapsed and shattered on the ground in seconds. But ironically, I'm still the ruler of the world.... and only God knows just how many times I can give up all of this just to become the ruler of my parents' world.

My personal doctor was already in the living room, waiting for my arrival patiently. He stood up in respect as soon as he saw me hobbling inside with my arm around Luca's shoulder.

"Good evening Mr. King,"
He greeted me and I just grunted in response. This was definitely not a good evening.

"I have a few cuts here and there. Just treat them quickly, then you can go."
I told him.

"Okay sir. I will."

That was why I liked Mr. Gonsalves. He was curt and quick, just like me. Silent, punctual and respectful, and never asked unnecessary questions. He was the only person I could trust, and that's why he had been our family doctor for ages.

I threw my head back on the couch and closed my eyes as he worked his magic on my cuts and applied a few bandages here and there. The cut on my left hand was a bit severe and that was the only one which hurt a little. Otherwise, the innumerable cuts and bruises I had taken on myself since the last fourteen years were enough to give me pain.

The Fire Unleashed ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora