1. Memories

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I looked at my Rolex limited edition wristwatch - it showed me the time as 10:02 am. Two minutes, I was late by two minutes because of that idiota - I'm going to kill him someday. As soon as I entered the conference room, everyone stood up in respect for their CEO. No matter how tired or spent I was, at any time of the day, my inferiors bowing down to me in the hallways or standing up to acknowledge my presence was always a good boost to my confidence and then, my mood would be automatically lifted up.

The man who has been dying to do business with me since the past three years was back this year too - Mr. Gomez. Why doesn't he understand that I will never like his taste? Why doesn't he get that he can never switch over to match my exquisite and royal taste in flooring? In fact, in anything? He had really mediocre designs but still managed to build up courage to stand inside King Hotels & Co., the leading hotel chain in the world. He indeed is intrepid - the only thing I like about him.

"I'm a little late today. The meeting should have started by now."

I said as I sat down at the head of the huge table while Mr. Gomez was standing opposite me beside the screen with a PowerPoint presentation already loaded on it.

"Oh no, Mr. King. It was just a few minutes, its completely fine."

He said with an unctuous smile on his face. It made me even more angry.

"Two minutes."

I ground out.

"Huh?" He asked, bemused.

"I am late by two minutes, not a few minutes and I intend to use every single minute of my life for a constructive purpose. So, for me, wasting those two minutes is a big deal."

My voice raised subconsciously and I saw him cowering behind the screen in fear.

"Y-yes s-sir. I-I'm so s-sorry."

"Nevermind. Start with your deal right away. And keep it short and simple. If I like the design and the price, you're in, otherwise, you will be removed from the supplier's list forever. I don't want to remember useless people and waste my time."

He stuttered again,

"R-right sir. So, this time, I wanted to bring to you my newest designs that have been......"

There he goes again - wasting my time over how he made those designs. He is supposed to tell me that information only when I ask, but for some reason he thinks including this bullshit is going to impress me.

I cut in, not being able to have anymore patience and said,

"Designs, Mr. Gomez. Cut straight to the designs."

As I finally saw the designs, it felt like his team had actually worked hard after all these years. The designs were simple and apt for my new theme. They also appealed to me and so, that was the last point by which they were chosen.

"Okay, stop right there. I think you have finally done what I had been asking from you all this time,"

I said curtly which earned me a huge grin from the greasy idioti.

"T-thank you. Thank you so much sir!"

He said, clasping his hands together and blowing down.

"But," I continued, raising a finger up to stop his rambling.

"Its still not on the level I want it to be, so consult with my team about this. They will tell you what materials you have to use and all the other necessary changes so it won't be difficult for you. You will also get the deadline so don't celebrate today - just start working right away. Understood?"

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