Episode 5: An Elephant Makes Love To A Pig. Part 2.

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I own NOTHING but my OCs Kevin, Alex, and Saya. Everything else, all rights go to their owners.
EXTREMELY sorry in advance for it being so SUPER long. You HAVE been warned lol. Now enjoy.

Warning: Trigger Warning.

Continues from part 1.

Inside the Cafeteria.


It's the next day at school, and I've been ignoring Kenny all day. I still had my emotions on lockdown still. I even switched seats with Stan. Me and Alex left earlier than usual this morning after I woke up from being dead since we all knew Kenny was going to come by to try and talk to me. I still have a really bad headache though. And no, it's NOT from the alcohol. I never got those. I have it cause I wasn't watching were I was going, I walked into someone, slipped trying to catch them, and hit the back of my head HARD on the sidewalk when I fell, and with them on top of me too. And let me tell you, they were fucking HEAVY. I just laid there staring at the sky. Apparently it was a gay guy named Mr. Slave. Who was visiting an old friend of his. Back to the present, I was standing in line next to Alex and away from Kenny. I was leaning against Alex with my eyes closed trying to relieve the pressure, but it just wasn't working. It was actually making it worse. So I never saw Alex sending Kenny death glares. I flinched when it throbbed again. Ow.

Kid 1 - "This fish is just hurting my anus." 'He's most likely eating the bones.' Alex - 'Definitely.'

Kid 2 - "Naw, it's pretty fresh." Thank the Gods I'm Deathly allergic to ALL fish and seafood then. I may be 3% part cat (Now. No thanks to The FUCKING Lab!), but still.

Cartman - "UUuuhh. I sure am hungry." 'You're ALWAYS hungry, you fucking fat ass!'

Alex - "You're ALWAYS hungry, you fucking fat ass!"

Pip - "'Ello gentlemen, and lady any of you blokes know what's for lunch today?"

Alex - "Fish apparently."

Saya - "Hello Pip." The others were shocked to hear my deadened voice. But Kenny just looked down and sniffed softly. Whatever.

Silence. The boys stare back.

Pip - "Lunchy munchies, hmmm?"

Cartman - "Go away, Pip! Nobody likes you!" 'Same with you, you fucking fat ass.'

Alex - "Same with you, you fucking fat ass."

Kyle - "Yeah, what kind of name is Pip anyway?!" *Sigh* 'And here we go.' Alex - 'Pretty much.'

Pip - "Well, my father's family name being Pirrip, and my Christian name being Phillip, my infant tongue..." 'Cool.'

Alex - "Cool."

Cartman - "God Damnit, would you shut the hell up?! Nobody gives a rat's ass." 'What, you rat boy? No one doesn't want you anyways. Ye fucking mateless bastard.' Alex - 'Damn sis.' 'Like I Fucking care right now.'

Stan - "Yeah! Go away, Pip!" Alex hit his arm for me. Thanks Alex.

Pip - "Righto." 'Poor kid.' Alex - 'Really.'

Pip walks off. And I started following him after telling Alex to make sure Kenny eats. I just kept going until I was at the back of the school. I saw some goth kids out here already. They didn't notice me at first, that is until I snagged the cigs from the hair flipping one and took one. They were about to yell at me to leave, but I just ignored them and made a darkness flame to light the cigarette. After I took a long drag from it, I looked up and saw their shocked looks. I raised an eyebrow at them.

Saya - "What? Never seen a true Necromancer before?" They were even more shocked to hear my deadened voice.

The Girl - "Um, no. We haven't."

South Park: The Four Marks Of Hope. A OCs & Soulmate AU. Season 1 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now