Episode 5: An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig. Part 1.

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I own NOTHING but my OCs Kevin, Alex, and Saya. Everything else, all rights go to their owners.
EXTREMELY sorry in advance for it being so SUPER long. You HAVE been warned lol. Now enjoy.

Warning: Trigger Warning.

Bus Stop.


Me, Alex, and Kenny just got to the bus stop in time. I had to pick up Mystery real quick. Plus Kenny didn't want me to leave the house either. Cute. He tried though.

Cartman - "Hey Stan, where'd you get that black eye?"

Saya - "What black eye?" When I looked, I saw red. But I tried not to show it. But I can easily tell that my usual Crystal blue eyes were now a bit red and gold (anger, defensive).

Stan - "Nothing, I mu-I mean, nowhere."

Saya - "Stan." I'm sure everyone heard the warning growl that time.

Cartman - "Your sister beat you up again, huh?"

Saya - "What!?" Okay, NOW I'm growling. Alex, Mystery, AND Kenny were trying to help me calm down, but it only slightly helped.

Stan - "No!"

Saya - "Lier!"

Cartman - "Eheh, you know, heh, your sister kicked your ass." I HAD to round house kick him in the chest for that one. But I did it so fast, that only Alex, Mystery, and now Kenny saw. But I went ahead and punched him in the chest too. "Ow!"

Stan - "She's just pissed off 'cause she got headgear at the dentist. She's taking it out on me."

Saya - "That STILL doesn't give her the fucking right to hit you!" Almost everyone was shocked by my behavior. Like I Fucking care? NO! I Fucking don't!

Kyle - "Yeah, but that sucks, to get your butt kicked by a girl, Stan." I swept his legs out from under him for that.

Cartman - "I would never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried anything, I'd be like, "hey, you get your bitch ass back in the kitchen, and make me some pie!""

Saya - "And yet I do it several times a day, every day."

Cartman - "That's because I let you, you weak bitch!" I SNARLED at him and I took a swipe at him. I would've done more than tear his shirt if it wasn't for Alex grabbing me from behind, and Kenny from the front. The others were extremely surprised by that, and we're slowly backing away from me. Good!

Alex - "Saya! Saya, calm down! He's not worth it! I know you're extremely pissed off about him calling you weak again! But you NEED to calm down!"

Kenny - "(Baby, STOP! He's right! You really do need to calm down! Please!)" Even though I saw him crying, I couldn't stop. Alex must have noticed, and told him to let me go. He was hasitent at first, but he slowly let me go, and stepped to my right.

Alex - "Saya, I said to. Calm. Your. Ass. Down!" He picked me up and slammed me down on my back, HARD. I felt it leave a small crater under the snow. It did knock the wind out of me a bit.

 It did knock the wind out of me a bit

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