Bump in the Night

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Happy late Halloween 🎃
I really tried to have this one done to publish on Halloween but, life... enjoy!

Caitlin curses herself, under her breath, as she tries for the nth time to knock on the door in front of her. She swallows some built up saliva and finds the need to fidget with the hem of her shirt. Part of her feels ridiculous since the other half of the couple's costume isn't here. Then again, she didn't really have any other costume and was not about to show up to Cisco's party in her doctor's coat - again.

"Ugh," she groans and finally bangs on the door. She starts to shift her weight from one foot to the other, waiting, as seconds pass. Just as she is about to turn on her heels to leave, the door opens to reveal her best friend.

"Caitlin! You made it!" he smiles then examines her outfit, "Dressed as Dr. Ellie from Jurassic Park?" he questions.

She runs her fingers through the loose strands of hair, "It was Barry's idea. He was supposed to be Dr. Grant and had a stuffed dinosaur to go with the whole thing," she playfully rolls her eyes. "He begged me for weeks until I caved since Frost was over it."

Cisco chuckles opening the door wider to let her in. "What's with the sailor outfit?" she asks finally looking at her friend's costume.

He rolls his eyes, "I'm Steve from Stranger Things. This was his work uniform and the only outfit Camila and I agreed on for our couple's costume. I wanted to be a waffle but she refused to wear a wig," he huffs with frustration.

Caitlin giggles and shakes her head. "I don't blame her. Wigs can be itchy and annoying," she adds subconsciously scratching her scalp, remembering the time she had to pretend to be Earth-2 version of Killer Frost.

"Whatever. I'm over it. Please enjoy yourself and have some fun, will you?" he asks, taking a sip from the cup in his hands. "Drinks are in the kitchen along with some snacks. I will be in the living room with Camila if you want to join us," he smiles with a pat on her shoulder.

"Thank you," she flashes a smile before he walks away.

She bites her lip, taking in her surroundings, and thinking of the situation she has willingly put herself in. Looking around it seems like everyone at this party came with someone - making her miss Barry when more. Granted, he was out of town for an important conference, he could possibly flash over here in a second but, she advised him against it. Even if she slightly wishes he didn't listen to her like he normally does.

"Caitlin!" a cheerful voice calls.

She snaps her head, to shake away her thoughts, and sees where the voice is coming from. A smile reappears on her face, staring at the young brunette that has joined their team. "Allegra, hey!" she smiles before her eyes turn blue with a smirk.

"Nice jacket," Frost adds with a wink before disappearing.

Allegra giggles, "Thanks! I didn't really have a costume so I thought going as my favorite badass would do."

Caitlin chuckles, "You are too kind and have truly made Frost's night. Did you come alone?" She asks looking over her shoulder.

"No," she shyly smiles. "I umm actually came with Emerson. He's the guy Frost tried to help me reconnect with," she bites her lip.

Frost takes over once again with a twinkle in her eye, "I'm proud of you. Finally coming clean?"

"Kinda, we are starting as friends, again, and going from there," she smiles with a hint of blush.

Frost smirks, "Well I wish you the best." She melts away as a young man in a flash shirt walks their way with drinks in each hand.

Allegra looks and smiles seeing her date before turning back to her friend. "Once I told who I was going as he wanted to match. He thought it would be cute going as our favorite Jitter's drinks," she winks.

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