avatar the last airbender : zuko

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disclaimer: yes i have seen avatar all the way through but i do this scene differently. it's not exactly what the show does. so don't come for my bad memory cus tbh i can't exactly remember how it goes.
"hello zuko here." the burned boy spoke. the gaang quickly turned around, arms up, ready to bend. i looked at him as appa licked him. giggling a bit to myself. "why are you laughing at him y/n? he can't be trusted." sokka snapped. "okay well appa seems to like him. so why can't we trust him?" i questioned as zuko turned to me with questionable eyes himself. "doesn't matter if appa likes him. he's tried capturing us for years. chased us all around the world and what ever else he's done that we don't know about." katara said. "well i did send that killer to you guys." zuko said scratching his neck. "YOU SENT COMBUSTION MAN TO US?!" sokka yelled. "you just dug yourself a deeper hole bud." i spoke. "y/n don't defend him. zuko has done wrong. so much wrong that we can't trust him." aang said. "okay aang but your bison likes him. appa would know better not to trust him if he was bad. why don't we ask toph if he's lying. she can sense it you know." i said. "stop defending him y/n. he's not joining. now i suggest you leave zuko. before things get worse for you." he snapped. walking off with momo and the rest of the gaang. "i'm sorry zuko-" "y/n let's go." i looked back at aang, then to zuko. "why are you trying to defend me so much. you know what i've done to them." zuko whispered. "yes i know. but i also know what good does to people. it changes them. i wasn't always a banished firebender you know." i clapped my hands together. "wait you're a firebender?" zuko asked. "yea i am but you know treason exists. so when i committed treason to the fire nation with these kids, banishment came with it too. i lost everyone. my family and friends. but they saved me. what the fire nation is doing is so wrong and i knew that so i tried to do something about it. when i failed i had them to fall back on. i had good." i smiled. "y/n if you don't get back here i will bend you over here myself." katara yelled. "i'm sorry zuko. but i believe something is different about you. i'll try to reason with them." i looked at the banished bender. "don't. there's no reason. if i can't get them to believe me now. then i'm just bad at being good too." he said and walked off. i walked back to the gaang defeated. "you guys should've at least given him the chance." i spoke sitting next to aang. "given him the chance to do what y/n? capture us? absolutely not." katara said. "okay well he knows where we are now. so if he really wanted to capture us like you think he will. he probably would. i hope he gets to you first." i snapped. "what is your problem y/n?" "nothing katara. it's just maybe he did change for the good. you do know good firebenders exist right. cus you all are sitting with one. he got banished just like i did. he lost everyone, just like i did. if i can do anything to make his life less miserable then mine was. i will. no one deserves what we went through. so forgive me for trying to help a kid out who got banished by his own father!" i huffed. standing up bending flames out of my hand. i walked to the forest in hopes of cooling off. i didn't realize how late it was until i heard the bugs chirping and wind pick up. "i guess i should get back." i spoke to myself. "don't." i heard. i turned to the voice to find zuko. "zuko?" "i heard what you said to them." he said. "okay what part?" i asked, walking closer to him. "the part about how you know how i feel. how banishment feels. how you didn't want me to feel alone anymore.." he whispered looking dead into my eyes. i felt a tint of red heat up my cheeks. "okay well to be fair you weren't supposed to hear that part." i laughed. zuko looked away. "even if i wasn't i did. i just wanted to thank you for trying to reason with them. i didn't really know the fire nation banished someone else. if it was anything close to how my banishment was. i'm glad you didn't have to go through it alone." he spoke softly. "thank you zuko." i smiled. "you should be going now. i don't want them to think i captured you first." he chuckled. a small one but still loud enough to hear. i waved bye to zuko and met back up at the temple. everyone was asleep so i fell asleep too.
time skip: past combustion man attacking the gaang and zuko saving them. the important part is zuko almost dies and you yell for him cus you're scared for his life. the gaang hears and immediately questions you afterwards.
"ZUKO!" i yelled running up to him after helped us defend ourselves. "are you okay?" i questioned, scanning his body for injuries. "i'm fine y/n thank you." he said, turning his attention to aang. "okay well if you guys wanted him to prove himself to you because you just can't comprehend that he changed. use that. he just saved us and helped us against sparky sparky boom boom man." i sassed crossing my arms as i stood next to zuko. sokka walked up to me and pulled me back toward the gaang. aang questioned everyone and they all decided it was okay for zuko to join. katara was a little hard but she said yes anyways. i smiled to myself and walked off toward some rocks. starting to pick up the mess that was made. "hey y/n?" "uh yea sokka?" "why did you get so worried when zuko got attacked like that?" he questioned. i felt my cheeks heat up again. "i wanted to make sure he was okay. he didn't have to do that for us. the least we could've done is check on him." i said casually. "she is LYING!" toph yelled. causing me to drop my rocks everywhere. "i think she has a little crush on zuko." she cackled. only sokka and i heard though. thank the spirits. "oh really. so that's why you really wanted him to join us?" "no sokka honestly i wanted him to join because i really know how he feels and i didn't want him to feel like that anymore. it's not fair. not matter what he's done to you guys." i said looking to zuko as he sat awkwardly by the fire. "yea she wasn't lying that time. awe she has a heart." toph laughed walking off with sokka. "do we have to pick up these rocks?" i yelled. with no answer i stood up and joined everyone else. eventually it was time to go to sleep so sokka showed zuko where his bed was and i followed after. "goodnight zuko?" sokka said walking off. i knocked on his door. "come in." i walked in and saw him preparing his bed for the night. "i was wanted to see if you were really okay. like no injuries or anything. you have a rough exterior so i just want to be completely sure." i smiled. "i'm okay y/n thank you. i'm just glad i finally got through to them." he said sitting down on his bed. "may i?" i asked, motioning to the spot next to him. he patted the bed with his hand so i took that as an okay. "if you ever need anyone to talk too about anything. i'm here. i know what you went through and it hurt well it still hurts to this day. so i'm always here for you zuko." "thank you y/n. really i appreciate it. i'm not used to having someone care this much except for my uncle." he said. looking at the picture on the table. "well i guess i better get going to my room. i'm just right next door conveniently so come get me if you need anything. you have a big day tomorrow. training the avatar and all." i smiled at him, standing up to meet his chest level. "why couldn't you train him. you're a firebender?" he asked. "i don't know. he just couldn't grasp it with me i guess. besides it's better this way anyways. now we have two banished, hot headed firebenders." i laughed. zuko smiled a bit too. i sighed looking at him. i rushed my arms around him and placed my head against his chest. he wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "goodnight zuko." i whispered. "goodnight y/n." he whispered back. we both let go and i went off to my room. dreaming of that dreamy bender.

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