Episode 12 - The Handshake Event

Start from the beginning

> 20 minutes later >

We arrived at our handshake event. We saw a line of fans waiting outside to get in. "We need to go back stage before it gets even more crowded later!" Yuma escorted is to backstage. "The first part of the Handshake will start in 30 minutes!" Yuma left after. Someone opened the door after Yuma left. "Ichirou!" Acchan said. "Hey!" he entered. "Are you guys excited for the first Handshake event?" he said. "Yeah!" we all said.

> 30 minutes later >

"Ok so here is the line up for the first part! Takako, Michiyo, and Saki you'll be in station #49 together, Sakura and Tomiko and Miyu you'll be in station #50 together, and finally Atsuko and Noa you guys will be in station #48 together, Ayako and Aoi on station #46, Akira and Mami in station #47 " Yuma explained to us. "Acchan and... I?" I asked in my thoughts. "C'mon Noa! We have to leave now." Tomiko said. I didn't realized that everybody left. It was only Ichirou and Noa. "Noa." he called. He started to hold both of my hands. "Good luck." he smiled at me. I started to blush a little. "T-thank you." I said. I walked away trying to look cool and trying to create my 'cool' aura. "Hey Noa, what are you doing?" he asked. "Huh? What are you talking about?" I asked while trying to act cool. "See ya." I tried to talk cool. He started to chuckle. "See ya." he said. I went to my booth with Acchan. I saw a crowded group of fans. "Hello Noa!" a fan came up to me. "H-hey." I talked in a weird voice with a weird face expression. "Uhhhh..." a fan said to me. The fan shook hands with me. "Uh...good luck on the Space Live..." he left. He went over to Acchan's side. "Hey Acchan!" he said. "Hi! What's your name?" she asked. I didn't pay attention to their conversation and instead spaced out. After 4o seconds it ended. "Good luck in the Space Live!" he said. "Thank you! I hope you come!" Acchan bowed to him. "Acchan is so cute!" he said to a group of other fans. "But Noa...is a little creepy..." he said. "Let's go to Acchan!!!" they all said.

~ Tomiko's Pov ~

"Thank you so much!" I bowed to my fan. I noticed a long line of fans. "Woah! Acchan has a long line!" Saki said. I saw Acchan and Noa. "Wow! You're right Saki." I said to her. Saki and I were near each other. I saw Noa's line. It seems short. "Hi Tomiko-san!" a fan greeted me. "Hello." I bowed. "I'm excited that another Itano family member is going to succeed Itano Tomomi!" he said. "Really? Thank you!" I smiled. "You're family must be excited and proud that you're a member in IRIS!" he said. "Y-yeah." I said. "Are you nervous?" he asked. "Kind of." I said. "Don't worry you'll do fine! Good luck in the Space Live!" he said. "Thank you! I hope you attend to the Akibastar one!" I said.

~ Noa's Pov ~

I didn't have a lot of fans shaking hands with me lately. A fan came up to me. "Hey Noa-san." he said. "Sup..." I tried to look cool but failed and ended up looking cold and scary. "Uhh...I'M SORRY GOOD LUCK IN THE SPACE LIVE!!!!!" he walked away quickly from me. "Noa, if you're going to act like this go backstage, don't make a fool out of yourself than you already have." Acchan said to me. "Hi Acchan-san." a fan greeted her. "Hello." she greeted back. They began to shake hands. Sometimes I wonder, how can I shine just like her. A young man came up to me. He had brown hair, hazel eyes, and looked a couple years older than me. "Hey Noa-san." he said. "H-hi!" I said. We shook hands. "Hey Noa, I have a question to ask you." he said. "Can you really approach your fans by forcing yourself to look cool, fashionable like all the other members?" he asked. "Huh?" I asked. "You should just be yourself." he said. I was surprised by what he said. "That's what everybody wants, including you." he said. "Do your best on the Space Live." he left. "Part 1 is over! There will be an intermission!" the speaker announced. We all went backstage for a break. "Good job Noa!" Takamina said to me while we were in the dressing room. I grabbed my bag. I took off my dress and my shoes."Hey Noa! What are you doing? The event is not over yet!" Takamina said. "Huh? Noa you look..." Takamina looked at me along with everybody else. I wore underneath my dress a t-shirt that said "Thanks for coming" and a headband that said "fighting!", short jeans, high knee socks, and sneakers. "Noa you look weird!" Acchan said.

> Later >

We went back to shaking hands with our fans. I didn't realized that one of my favorite songs was on. I didn't realized how many fans attended to this event. I'll try to make the best of it! A fan came up to me. "Hello Noa-san!" he said. I started to cry. "W-WHAT HAPPENED DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG?!" he panicked. "No...I just so happy that you came all the way here to see us!" I wiped the falling tears off my face. "Huh?" he asked. "Your boots, only people who live in colder planets wear those!" I said. I began to hold his hands and shaking them. "Thank you so much for coming! I hope you have a safe flight back home!" I smiled and my Kirara began to shine brilliantly. He blushed. "G-good luck in the Space live!" he smiled back. "Bye!" I said. "Bye!" he said back while he was leaving. "Noa-san noticed that I came from a very far planet. Meeting her made me feel calm and happy!" he said to a group of fans. "Really?! I wanna meet Noa!" one fan said. "Me too!" another said. Next thing you know, my line was like a train! "Hello Noa-san." a fan greeted me. "Hi!" I cheerfully greeted to them. "Nice work Noa-san, I hope you'll succeed Atsuko Maeda someday." the brown hair with hazel eyes fan said.

~ Acchan's Pov ~

"Bye! Good luck in the Space Live!" a fan said to me. "Thank you!" I said. I suddenly noticed that my line became shorter and Noa's grew longer. "Huh?" I asked. "How...?" I watched Noa smiling to the fans and her Kirara shinning brightly.

> Later >

~ Noa's Pov ~

"Great job everybody! The event was successful! Many fans came! And Noa's line took over some of the other lines!" Yuma said. "Sorry!" I said. "No! It's a good thing!" she said. "That was amazing!!!" Takako said. "According to my calculations, the event was fun!" Michiyo said. "Well you guys can take a break here for a while we clean up." Yuma said. "Ok!" we all said. "Hey look at this!" Miyu was on her laptop. On her laptop was a blog about Akb0048. "This blog is run by the Acchan Master." Miyu said. "Acchan Master?" I asked. "He said that the Handshake event was fun. He shook hands with the IRIS members and a lot of the successors." Michiyo said. "Can we see a picture of him?" Takako asked Miyu. She clicked on a photo that has his face on it. "Hey! I recognized that fan!" I said. It was that brown haired hazel eyes fan earlier who told me to be myself. "On the post he also said that...one of the IRIS members is most likely to become Acchan?!" Saki said. "WHAT?!" we all said. "But I'm pretty sure I know who's he talking about." Aoi said. "Yeah you're right! The next Acchan is going to Acchan." Tomiko said. "That sounds funny!" Akira said. "But it's true!" Mami said. "Thanks guys!" Acchan said. Acchan then left the room. After she closed the door she stood in front. "I must not lose to Noa!" she whispered. she walked to another room.

~ Acchan's Pov ~

"So Ichirou you wanted to talk to me?" I asked. "Yes, there's something that I wanted to ask you." he said.

~ Noa's Pov ~

I was on my way to the bathroom when I heard Acchan's and Ichirou's voices. "Acchan will you go out with me?" he asked.

* End of Episode *

- Preview -

Noa: The Space Live is here!

Saki: I-I'm nervous!!!

Michiyo: According to my calculations, you need to breath really deeply!

Acchan: I will do my best in the solo.

Ichirou: Everybody looks so cute in their costumes!

Noa: I feel like I'm good enough...

Noa: Next time on Akb0048: New Stage, Space Live debut on Akibastar! I'll give it my all!


Hey guys! Did you like this Episode? It's going to be really exciting! I can't wait for all of you to read what happens!!! I'm sorry that I couldn't release this yesterday! I apologize! Once again always please comment, rate, and follow me! Come to the dark side! We have cereal! MUAHAHAHA!!!

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