Chapter Twenty

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I cursed myself out silently. My chest was tightened and while my breaths were even, air was still quickly going in and out of my lungs. I couldn't bare to look up after yelling such words. I could see Eiichi's shoes going out of my sight as he walked away without another word, I could feel his utter shock, anger and maybe even gloominess radiating from both of the males in front of me. Why did I say such things to him..? Akiyama followed behind Eiichi, not yelling back, not saying anything regarding what I had just said. Just peacefully walking away. I turned around quickly and began walking to the nearest exit, getting away from the crowd, Eiichi, Akiyama, Akemi, everyone.

My head was soon met with dizziness, and I could feel my face beginning to get paler by the second. I bit my tongue hard, and didn't feel an ounce of pain. I sat at the nearest bench and attempted to calm myself down, only to fail and my state worsening. I laid myself down on the cold wood, spreading my body across the bench, and drifted into an unconscious state. Maybe.. if I was unconscious, I wouldn't have to feel anymore of this.

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"Kaito..?" I hear a voice say. It's a familiar one. A gentle one as well. My eyelids open slowly and the figure is almost completely covering the sun, the little bit of sunlight seeping through didn't allow me to see who was standing in front of me. I almost believed it was an angel, coming to my rescue from such regret and agony. The person taps me again, fully taking me out of my woozy state. "Kaito, hey, wake up it's me, Hisa."


I stand up straight and my eyes are able to focus again. His long-ish hair that was in a ponytail with some hair out on the side was clearer now. Hot tears start falling onto my cheeks. His face showed shock at my sudden burst. But it quickly turned to a mixture of gentleness and pity. "Come on, let's go home." He whispered.

The car ride was close to silent. Music was playing on the radio as Hisa drove us to his home. He was a year older than me, making him eighteen, and able to drive without the supervision of another adult. I rested my body in the front seat, I felt Hisa look over at me from time to time, but I never looked back at him. It took me almost until we were in his neighborhood to ask the question I had had.

"Hisa.. how did you know where I was?"

He sighed as he pulled his phone out, unlocked it, and handed it over. He showed me a series of text messages between Akemi and him. "Akemi texted me saying he had seen you, Eiichi and some other person having some sort of argument. And how bad you looked afterwards when you went to that bench outside of the park. He said he didn't know what he could possibly do because of something that had happened with you two, so he asked me to come get you."

Never had I been so grateful for Akemi. It felt like.. if it hadn't been for him I wouldn't have been rescued. "I didn't know Akemi was watching." I said under my breath.

Hisa makes a sudden turn into a parking lot of a local grocery store. Without saying a word regarding what I said he gets out and hastily gets out. "Are you coming?"

I step out of his vehicle that had been passed down by his father. We walk into the store and Hisa goes directly to the snack aisle, he crouches down and reaches for Dorayaki- my favorite snack. He drags me further into the aisle and stuffs his basket with more unhealthy goods and proceeds to pay for everything. He hands me a bag while holding in his own hand and we make it back to the car.

"Why did we only get snacks..?"

Hisa puts the key into the car and the engine rumbles as it starts up, "It's easier to talk about things with snacks."

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