Chapter Fifteen

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I could tell that Eiichi had something he wanted to tell me, but I wasn't sure if it was the way I had been behaving when we left school that kept him from telling me. It most likely was, if he even had the slightest hint that something was up, he would put whatever he had in mind second and the person first. The walk home was rather silent. We could hear the birds chirping clearly, the sound of kids walking and talking among one another after classes filled the streets, the footsteps of our own shoes were able to be heard.

"Hey, Kaito.. what made you react the way you did when you saw me with Akiyama?"

His sudden question made me flinch, his voice was lower than usual as he hadn't said a word in a bit. "Some things that happened in the past have just made me cautious, me seeing you with whatever-his-name-is triggered my new instincts."

"New.. instincts?" I tried going for his hand now that we were far enough from the neighborhood most students that went to our school lived, but he moved his hand away from my own. "What does that even mean? Are you saying you don't trust me to be around someone that's only a mere friend?" I stayed silent, while his voice grew angrier yet somewhat confused and sad all at once.

"Wait what? What are you talking about?"

His eyes suddenly focus on me and sharply. "Kaito. Go with Akiyama and I to disneyland."

I couldn't help but laugh at his more so demand with such a serious face. This only makes him pout. "Disneyland? Sure. When- wait... did you say with Akiyama?"

"Yeah! Earlier in class he suggested we all go to Disneyland together. I thought it was a good idea so I agreed, but when I saw-"

"Eiichi... why are you so hooked up on Akiyama?"

His warm hands wrap around my right arm, "Well, because he's the last and only thing I have left to get closure on what happened to Nanase." Tears started forming in his brown eyes, it didn't take long for them to fall down his slightly pale face. "All I want... is for you to get even a little along with him. Please?"

As much as I didn't like Aki-nnoying, if it meant this much to Eiichi, I'd be willing to put up with him. I wipe the tears from his eyes and try comforting him with a reassuring smile. "Okay, fine. I'll go with you two to Disneyland. When are we going?"

He hugs my arm tighter, "Yay! I'll tell Akiyama that you're up for it!"

Seeing him smile gave me a mellow feeling inside. At least this time, he wasn't trying to keep Akiyama and I apart like the angelic women did. Maybe, Eiichi wasn't trying to do what she did.

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