Chapter Eighteen

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After riding as many coasters as possible, hunger had started kicking in. We stopped at a nearby eating place that carried light foods as we were planning to continue our fun afterwards. Eiichi and Akiyama sat down at a table while I went to the counter to gather two Glove Shaped Chicken Pao. One for Akiyama and another for Eiichi and myself.

Throughout the day, I had noticed how close they had gotten over the course of not even a week. Hell, not even two days. They had already established nicknames for each other - Eiichi called Akiyama, Aki, while Akiyama called Eiichi, Itsukster. The smell of the meat that went inside of the food filled the room. I looked back to see the smell reaching the handsome brunette and his smile afterwards. Even after a restless night and not being able to control my sobs, I felt just a little better seeing Eiichi so bright.

"Next!!" The lady over the counter shouted, and the man in front of me turns around after receiving his goods. I get a look at his face after he looks up, my stomach drops at the sight of who it was and I nearly forgot why I went to the counter in the first place.

It was Akemi.

His stunned face was flustered. The lady shouts once again at whomever was next to order, my eyes were still glued to my friend who I hadn't heard from in a week. He whispers my name to himself. I snap back into reality and move up to ask for the food I originally went to acquire. A hand goes around my bicep as a sign to stop. Akemi still had his eyes on me.

"I want to talk to you. After you get the food, meet me outside for a bit. Please." He walks away with the warm foods in his hands and places it down at the table where a woman had been sitting at. I hadn't seen her before, but I assumed it was his date. I ask for the two Glove Shaped Chicken Pao and get them quicker than expected. Once in my hands, I give them over to Akiyama and Eiichi and excuse myself. Heading to the door, I feel Eiichi's concerned eyes on me.

I exit the eating place and immediately see Akemi to my side, leaning on the colorful wall with a leg implanted. I hide my sweaty hands in my pocket and lean on the wall beside him. An awkward silence falls before us.

"Calm down, you don't have to be so tense." He sets his foot down and stares at me. The eye contact was one sided considering I hadn't mustered the courage to do the same yet.

"How can I not be? You suddenly started avoiding me.." I feel my fists clench in frustration, "If you don't accept me that's fine, but you just need to say so."

"Kaito.." He sighs. "Okay, i'll admit that I am still weirded out by the fact that you're into guys. But that doesn't change the fact that we've been close since middle school." He puts his hands on my shoulders in an attempt to get me to look at him. "You're still my friend."

I don't look at him like he wants me to. "If you're really my friend.. then do you at least respect my relationship with Eiichi?"

His hands fall down from my shoulders to his sides, he doesn't say anything in response to my question. I had my answer just from the sound of his silence. My stomach grows into an even bigger knot and now I know I've had enough. "Akemi.. I appreciate you trying to make this better.. but if you don't at least respect my relationship then it doesn't really make you a friend. I can't change how you think.. and that's alright. I should go now." I walk back into the restaurant and leave Akemi standing outside.

That one conversation was what cut the string in which our friendship was holding onto.

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