Chapter 11

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" Here, thats the last of it." George says as he hands Cass the final broken up pieces wood. She sighs heavily in exhaustion, as she carries it to the large pile of different broken peace's of cargo.
" Lass maybe you should take a break." George says dusting off his hands. She turns and walks back to him after setting the wood down. " No i'm okay." She says tying her long hair back with a string. " At least sit down for a minute, we'll be in Groix soon anyway." George states. Her eyes widen shocked.
" Already?!" She asks a bit surprised.
" That's right. Tomorrow." He answers her chuckling a little. She looks down for a moment debating on whether to ask him a question. George noticing her torn look. " Come on, out with it." George says knowingly. She looks at him warily before she speaks." Do you think the captain would let me stay?" She asks with a hopeful look. He looks back at her with an unreadable face. He then clears his throat sitting down on a crate near them. " To tell you the truth, I don't know. But the Captain isn't as bad as you think Lass... You have to realize he's makin sure you get home. You see Groix has lots of ships and boats that travel back and forth to the village." He explains clasping his hands together.
She nods in response as she glances down." But... I want to stay." She finally states siting down next to him.
" Ah I know you do. And your a tough Lass I can see that but the Captain is the one to make the decision." George says patting her shoulder fondly. She smiles at him. " Thanks George." She says softly, ignoring the part of her that wanted to focus on The Captain being the one to decide her fate.

BOOM! Lightning strikes the boat as Cass runs to the helm. The wind and rain making it impossible to see the deck. The boat spins out of control as the storm rages on. Moments before she can reach the helm that's spinning, the ship tips violently throwing her to the side. She slams into the Bulwark. She screams in pain as blood pools in her mouth. Without warning she then is hit with a large wave pushing her almost completely off. But before she falls a man grabs her arm. She looks up as his tight grip keeps her from plummeting to the sea. His face is blurry but his hand that holds onto her is familiar. She can feel herself slipping as she hangs off the ship. The ranging dark water below her. " Hold on, Hold on!" The man yells as her arm slips. Her heart drops when she does.

" Land Ho!" Someone yells jolting her awake.
" Ugh.." She grumbles as she puts her head in her hands. It's silent for a moment while she rubs her head. " Wait... Land?!" She says as she jumps up putting on her boots quickly and sloppy getting dressed. She then runs to the deck as they already have begun to dock the ship. George stands with his arms folded looking ahead. She runs up behind him. " Sorry I must have over slept!" She says a bit out of breath as she stops by his side.
" Aye that's alright, the Captain thought it best to let you sleep some. You know after what happened yesterday." He says simply. Her brows frown as her eyes search for Alexander. Finally she spots him coming back from putting up one of the sails. His eyes meet hers. Without thought she smiles at him, he pauses for a moment but then nods in response. He holds his gaze on her for a moment but then turns to lower the ramp. She looks down at the ground trying to hide her smile. A bit taken aback but his kind gesture.

" Well don't you want to see Groix?" George asks gesturing ahead, taking her attention once again. " I do!" She states somewhat excited as walks to the bulwark, grabbing a thick rob securely attached to it. She pulls herself onto the bulwark holding onto the rope for balance. Ahead of her a large village of many colors sits on the edge of the water. A few ships are already docked. Many people walk along the street. The village is filled with many shops. "Its quit larger than home." She thinks to herself.
" Excuse me Ms Cass." A deep voice says next her. She quickly turns to see Alexander standing next to her on the bulwark balancing perfectly, the wind blowing his thick brown hair. His dark eyes look at her intently. Right in this moment, she swears he could be a painting. He smirks holding up a rope. " I need to tie this sail down." He states as she's in his way. " Oh...Oh! I'm sorry Captain." She states suddenly understanding, before she shakily begins to get off the Bulark. He grabs her arms gently helping her get down steadily. " Thank you." She says looking back up at him. " Anytime." He responds as he focuses back on the sail.

The ramp has been set and the ship is docked. She smiles beginning to step up onto the ramp. To make her way to the dock. When a shoulder bumps into her knocking her to the side. She frowns in response as Benedict huffs walking by her. She rolls her eyes in annoyance as Benedict roughly walks down the ramp. " Lady's first." Richards says from behind her. She turns to him . He smiles at her kindly gesturing for her to go ahead of him. She looks at him for a moment and then smiles back. Glad to make somewhat of another friend on this ship. " Thanks." She states as she steps up onto the ramp, making her way to shore.

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