Sanctuary: Chapter One

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The sound of sirens surrounded the alley way and people gathered behind the police tape waiting to see what had happened. From behind the tape came a young man with light brown hair that was stood on end with stress. He held up his police badge that stated he was FBI as a police officer blocked his path with his arm. When he was assured with what he saw, he let him underneath the tape holding it up as he bent under.

He put on some gloves whilst saying, "Okay... What've we got?"

"A ten year old boy found dead with claw marks ripping through his chest!" The police officer informed.

"Another one!" He sighed.

"Yes sir" He tiredly replied back whilst they had arrived at the dead body.

He lifted the sheet that covered the child and squinted to try to see the body.

"What's doing this?" The investigator questioned.

"We have people looking into it but for now..." He paused. "We don't know"

"Huh.. Well keep me informed on the situation" He demanded, his voice filled with stress.

"Yes sir" The officer said whilst he stepped away from the body and covered it up and then walked under the police tape to get into his Audi.

Hours later he was walking across the police station car park when a woman with long, dark brown hair stood in his path staring at him. He stopped.

"Can I help you?" He asked

"William Zimmerman" She said lifting her head up so he could get a better view.

"How do you know my name?!" He demanded to know.

"We've been following you for quite a while now"

"Why?" He said whilst looking strangely at her. "You look odly familiar" He wondered.

"12 of October 1982" She looked down.

"But that's the day.... That's the day when my mother was killed" He said shocked.

"She was a brave woman who protected you as much as she could!" She said trying to calm him down.

"Okay lady you're freaking me out now!" He said whilst trying to shake off a tear that began to fill his right eye.

"I know what killed those people!" She said trying to convince him to not walk away.

"Who!??" He demanded to know.

"It's more like a what" She said whilst looking up again this time so he could see her face.

He realised that she was quite a beautiful woman with what he could tell shining deep blue eyes. She looked to be about mid -30's and had dark brown curly locks.

"Okay..." He said whilst trying to walk past her.

He was quite close to her now and could see her clearly. She was indeed a beautiful and a mysterious woman! However she stepped in front of him again getting in the way of his pursuit. He tried to walk to the right instead of the left but again she blocked his path.

"Okay... Hands up!" He demanded before putting his hand behind his back to retrieve his gun. He'd had a long day and frankly he couldn't be bothered!

"It didn't have to be like this!" She said.

Then from behind him came a big hairy creature and he turned around as fast as he could but wasn't fast enough and was hit with something on the back of the head. He fell to the ground slowly whilst gripping his head and fell unconscious.

"Ooughh" He moaned as he awoke.

He slowly retrieved his eye sight back and started to look around and saw that the mysterious woman from the car park was standing next to his bed holding a clip board and wearing a scientist jacket.

"Hello... How are you feeling?" She said smiling.

"What hit me? Where am I!?" He demanded to know.

"You're in the Sanctuary" She smiled answering.

"The what?" His faced scrunched up as he was confused.

She gave him a identity card saying 'Sanctuary For All' on it.

"The Sanctuary. A place for inhuman, deformed beings" She said.

He thought he was just being silly but saw her very serious face.

 "You mean monsters" He laughed not believing in the situation.

"We don't call them that!" She said with a serious tone. "We call them abnormals".

"Who are you?!" He wondered.

"I'm Helen Magnus, head of the Sanctuary" She said as Will stood up from the bed.

"Come with me. I want to show you something that will change your way of life... Forever!" She said whilst smiling.

They started to walk near what looked like a lift. Magnus and Will both entered the lift with Magnus walking first and pressed the undergroud floor button. A few seconds later when the lift had stopped, the silver metal lift doors opened. Will could see a number of windows with blacked out rooms shaping in a circle around a huge gigantic room.

"Wow!" He said whilst walking out the room first this time and looking around amazed at the big room.

Magnus walked to the first wondow on their left and Will followed. He realised that each window had a different background view. Suddenly, out of no where, some thing... Some kind of creature jumped out at the window and Will quickly jumped back. It was all scaly and had massive claws and teeth.

"What is that?" He asked.

"This is the animal that has been killing those people" She answered. "Took us ages to find it!".

"Really!" He asked and Magnus nodded.

They walked to the second window and saw that this window was full with water. A creature that looked like a mermaid came swimming to the front of the glass and placed her hand on the glass. Magnus placed her hand on the glass also transparent to the creatures hand in a way to say hello.

"Why don't these creatures break the glass and escape?" He wondered.

"They can't. This glass is practically unbreakable" She paused for a few seconds before saying. "So..."

"So? What?" He wondered.

"What do you think? Will you join us?" She asked smiling "Sanctuary For All isn't an empty motto"

"Wha... Well.... I'll have to think about it" He said just managing to say it.

"Okay" She smiled again and then said "I'll show you out". Whilst directing her hand to the lift doors.

They got into the elevator and went back up to the ground floor.

"Think about it" She said whilst walking to the doors and opening one of them.

"Yeah he said exhausted and walked away from the gigantic building with a very confused mind.

"What should I do?" He wondered?

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