Chapter 10.

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I received my owl order for the books on magical politics that Marvolo recommended to me and oh, do I have so many questions! Do you think he'll mind terribly if I write to him to discuss some of these policies with me? I admit, as a Muggleborn, some of these sound either very outdated, or biased, or simply puzzling. I suppose I could ask Neville and Draco instead, but I feel like I would get a better understanding if I talk to Marvolo, you know? Don't worry! I have no plans on stealing your man (wink).

And don't deny it, I only caught the last bit of your conversation but the way you look at each other is very telling, you know.

Speaking of which, do you want me to keep your acquaintance a secret? I imagine it would raise a few questions on how you know someone from Durmstrang (and I won't pry, I promise) so I'd understand if you want to keep it under wraps. I know my tongue has slipped a few times in regards to your personal business, but I've learned from my mistakes. No one needs to know about your personal affairs if you don't want them to, I'll make sure of it. At the very least, maybe you should introduce him to Neville, Ron, and Draco? A friend of yours is a friend of ours too, you know. (And I won't say anything about him not being at your birthday party. You probably have reasons, you always do.)

Anyway, I'll see you at King's Cross next week!

Love, Hermione'


"You have everything you need? Books, parchment, quills? Enough socks?" Remus fussed, brushing some floo powder off Harry's shoulders. "If you realize you've forgotten something, just send us an owl and we'll send it to you, okay?"

"Yes, mum," Harry chirped, more amused than embarrassed at the werewolf's mother henning, and grinned wider when Remus rolled his eyes. "Though I don't think anyone could ever have enough socks."

"He's fine, Remus," Sirius snorted as they make their way towards Hogwart's Express. "He's a third year now! Next thing we know he'll be coming home with a girlfriend or a boyfriend or, knowing him, quite possibly both." Sirius paused for a moment and made a face. "On second thought, never mind that last bit. A betrothal contract for that would be a pain in the arse."

"Harry!" Draco called from a distance as he approached them swiftly, his parents languidly trailing behind. "There you are. Neville's found us a compartment already."

"Cousin Narcissa!" Sirius grinned sharply at seeing his relative. "Pleasure to see you looking still as radiant as before."

Narcissa, to her credit, didn't bat an eyelash. "Cousin Sirius. The same could be said to you."

"No word from our dear Bella yet?" Sirius not-so-innocently asked. "Among us Blacks still kicking, I would've thought you'd be the first one she'd go running to."

In a heartbeat, the air chilled and the rest of them, including Lucius, exchanged uncomfortable looks.

"Fortunately, you are wrong," Narcissa smiled coldly, "I imagine my dear former sister has forsaken our family in favor of the Dark Lord she continues to chase."

"We have to get going, Narcissa," Lucius smoothly interrupted before the situation degenerated any further. "And Draco needs to board the train soon, it leaves in a few minutes."

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