Chapter 4.

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Snape and Dumbledore were, of course, discretely wary. They probably thought he was either bipolar, had somehow managed to trick the Sorting Hat, or had some grand ill plot against his housemates. Harry took offense to the third one the most, because the Puffs were a funny bunch and he liked them, never mind the whole hullabaloo about the Heir of Slytherin thing and the TriWizard thing.

He did, however, make sure he slipped into his Tom Riddle persona whenever the headmaster and or potions professor was conveniently within sight. Only two other people seem to have noticed the slight shifts, but neither Draco nor Neville ever mention anything, even if both of them looked extremely curious.

Harry was an absolute delight to the other professors of course. Two days in and he had Professor McGonagall treating him like one of her own lions, Professor Flitwick practically singing his praises, and Professor Sprout beaming at him with pride. As far as the rest of the school was concerned Harry Potter was the next budding magical prodigy and pride of Hogwarts, eccentricity and all. Most of them couldn't even get mad about it, Harry was that good.

Then a week into Hogwarts, Harry showed up to dinner wearing a new accessory.

"Harry," Susan said slowly, "Is that a tiara on your head?"

"Oh, yeah!" Harry beamed. "I got lost earlier and found it in the Lost and Found room. Isn't it pretty?"

"Pretty real ." Hannah whispered with wide eyes. "That sapphire doesn't look fake at all."

"Of course it's not fake, it was my mother's." Half the Hufflepuff table jumped at the appearance of the Grey Lady behind Harry, and now most of the entire school was staring at the spectacle they made. She eyed the tiara curiously, but didn't make a move to touch it. "I thought it lost forever."

"Your mother?" Hannah asked the ghost, and squeaked when a glance was sent her way.

"Rowena Ravenclaw."

"Wait a minute," Ernie exclaimed, grabbing even more attention to their table. "Harry, are you wearing Ravenclaw's Diadem ?"

Someone behind Harry started choking on his drink, and heedless of all the eyes on him, Harry shrugged. "I guess so. Is it important?"

About three Ravenclaws let out a strangled gurgle.


"Just what," Tom dryly commented two days later during their nightly conversation, "are you planning?" He held up that morning's Daily Prophet, the headline ' Potter Finds Lost Founder's Artifact! ' written out in bold letters.

"What you apparently were too crazy to do on your first life." Harry replied lightly, flipping through his Charms homework. "You know, grabbing fame and fortune by being the one to find the lost three Founders' artifacts and not putting my soul bits in them to hide."

Tom rolled his eyes at that.

"How's it over there in dark arts wonderland?" He asked the older 'teen.'

"Less dark arts wonderland, more Lady Claire's Academy on testosterone." Tom said. Lady Claire's Academy, of course, being the all girls boarding school they met in at life eighteen. "Someone actually tried to haze me. Karkaroff looked like he was about to prepare the boy's coffin when he found out."

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