Get to Your Studies, Komaeda Nagito [PART 2]

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Haha, yea. Part 2 because yeah.

I'm probably a bitch for giving so many cliffhangers- and the billions of separate parts-

Again I need to revise lololololololol.


On to the one-shot
Timeline: Despair ARC
Setting: Hope's Peak Academy
3rd POV

Hm, what is it Kamukura-kun?" The ravenette was staring aimlessy. In Izuru's mind, he was predicting many things.

Kamukura's procedure had worked out..well, it could have gone better, but other than losing his memories and emotions, everything else about him seemed fine. He was able to attend here with the other elites and was not shown to the reserve course by any means, not like he has any memories of the reserve course anyways. To our monotone ravenette, his very first memory was waking up in the vile, cold testing room. The very first people he remembered were the twisted scientists that were getting paid to practically ruin his life, at least his former persona's life that is.

He remembered being so confused, he woke up and slugged the first scientist he saw in the gut. He was even tempted to do the same to any other scientist that tried to approach him. The other scientists had talked him out of it and told him about his current situation. Kamukura was not gullible, but he was able to tell a lie from the truth. He had no choice but to accept that as reality.

He was tested, to make sure that the procedure has worked fully, both his past persona, the scientists and lead scientist were overwhelmed with this excellent success. However, Kamukura despised this, anyone else, with a heart, that knew about this would most likely as well. His scientific success is the secretive strength and the strong weakness of Hope's Peak Academy. If anyone found out that Hope's Peak Academy was testing humans, then there would be people going to jail, riots, felonies, maybe even a few more deaths or suicides.

"Yes?"Kamukura's malevolent red eyes darted away
"Oh..uh, nevermind. Scum like me shouldn't try to correct you. You are probably far better than I am anyways."

"Hm. What a bother." Kamukura sighed. He averted his gaze back upon Komaeda. All Komaeda did in response to this was laugh and agree. This, however was somewhat interesting to Kamukura; anyone else would have denied this or gone into an outrage. No..maybe Komaeda being different was an excuse for Kamukura to get to know the albino, that was most likely not the case though. (Shoot "not" with your truth bullets)

"Do you always loathe yourself?" Izuru sounded disappointed, he was dissapointed all the way from the inky black words that flew out his mouth to his thoughts. "Loathe? Is that how you view it? Even if I am speaking the truth?" Komaeda asked. "It's still loathing no matter how you look at from, only a fool would try to bend reality in a way. A stubborn rebellion would wish to see the world in their ideal way."Kamukura could easily get deep into his words and external conversations, even though each empty word didn't have a single trace if emotion or interest, but decisivenes.

"But isn't that your opinion, maybe you are doing exactly what you claim I am doing by 'viewing the world from a sense you wish to see into' ?"
(DON'T SASS HOPE, PREPARE TO DIE , this goes for anyone and everyone as well )

Kaumura was silent, he was not about to argue with this particular kind of human. "I now see why everyone avoids you." That may have came out a tad bit too harsh, but due to the lack of emotion, abilities like showing empathy of even sympathy were things Kamukura could not do. "Ah, so you have realized? Does my lack of social skills make me stand out? Would I blend in with everyone else if I were more social?" Komaeda asked in a confused tone, he soudned..strangely intrigued?Kamukura shook his head, "I believe I have met twisted people like you before,if my assumptions are correct then they would have turned the same corners you have." This lead Kamukura suspicious of Komaeda, was he perhaps one of them?

Kamukura continued to sprew his knowledge, it was almost as if speaking about the known things, cleared his mind.
(Fr tho, nice coping method. I do reccomend.)

Minutes passed, the eerie inkiness from Kamukura's words seemed to disappear, he still had his monotone voice each time he called Komaeda boring or predictable. Komaeda just shrugged it off, he had not idea whatsoever what Kamukura was talking about when he called him 'predictable'.

"Oh, by the way Kamukura, what is your talent anyways?" Komaeda began as a serious look plastered his face. "Are you Ultimate Poet? You are great with words..oh! Perhaps the Ultimate Therapist?" Kamukura stared at him, dissapointed, like always."You keep going on about how predictable I am, so..some sort of..meteorologist?" Komaeda continued to list a number of things, he wasn't neccesarily right, but he wasn't wrong either. Either way, there is no way in hell Kamukura was just going to go around and flaunt his talent, perhaps in the future when he and his classmates shave a better bond, then he might expose his true talent. It would be reckless of Kamukura to tell everyone that his talent was sheer talent.

"You will know in time, Nagito Komaeda." That was all Kamukura could say befor he walked away to his respective classroom.

After that day, Komaeda and Kamukura were both suspicious of eachother, first impressions are crucial.. Ever since the first few weeks to toward the end of their freshman year.

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