Get to your Studies, Komaeda Nagito [PART 1]

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This one-shot was requested by yayayayayauwu

Anyways, onto the one-shot
Setting: Hope's Peak Academy
Timeline: Despair ARC
Komaeda's POV

What is a succorance again? I swear, I feel like I am starting to catch Amnesia. Another burden is not what I need. You see, I was recently asked to attend a pretty popular and well-known school, at first I declined but the staff just insisted. The reason why I was chosen to attend here always makes me ridicule the mere idea of me being here. Yes, I am currently in a bubbly classroom with many joyful and bright figures, though this is not my first day here. Actually, I have been attending here for a few weeks, so far I have nothing but positive reviews. The students, ah yes, a very significant feature that pretty much fabricates this school, and many other schools. They are pretty much of a big deal, these very articulate students are why this school stands out of a good way though of course!

My attention was focused on the sleek wooden door of our classroom that both gives us an entrance and exit to this eccentric but popular room. In the doorway stood an intimidating presence. They had long dark locks and a bright shade of red for eyes. Through this dark and intimidating aura they were giving off, a brighter and hopeful one shined. I got this..weird feeling of remorse and sadness from them as well. Yeah, I can read people like a book- I also have exceeding deduction skills! I would almost be the perfect detective! Still, there is almost definitely no chance of redemption for me, as I do not even know what I did wrong? Maybe I do.. Wait, I don't know.

The dark figure shifted, they glanced at each of us quickly, too quick for anyone to make eye-contact with. The ignorant ones amongst ourselves sat in the back and chatted until our superior arrived to instruct us throughout our day. As the figure walked by my desk I swear I could have heard a small scoff emanate from them. I glanced at them, my facial expression wavered a bit as if their intimidating act was actually getting to me. Their presence left me feeling intrigued, I felt timorous at the very least.

Immediately after this new classmate took their seat behind me, our homeroom teacher entered as if on cue. ¨Good morning class, my name is Ms. Yukizome and I am your homeroom teacher.¨ She appeared to have warm orange-ish red hair that was tied back into a ponytail. They presented a soft smile on their face and began making their way behind the lectern. Not too far away behind the dark brown lectern was a large chalkboard on the neighboring wall. "To start our day off, I will be taking attendance. It is important that you all show up each day you are expected to." She looked down at the lectern before flashing another smile to us. "Alright, Akane Owari?" Ms. Yukizome paused as she pursed her lips, glanced at each of us and waited for this 'Akane Owari' person to speak up. "Right here teach!" a enthusiastic girl spoke up while flashing a toothy smile. Everyone glanced back at her, but she apparently did not get affected by it. "Thank you Owari, Chiaki Nanami?" She called out. "Here, Ms. Yukizome." A sleepy voice spoke up and raised their hand slightly. I stopped paying attention to this role-call and just took in my fellow classmates' names in subconsciously. Even though most of us have been attending for some time, people like me in this classroom just do not make the social cut. Sometimes this can be good and bad. I do not mind all that much however, either way being alone for me is best for both me and my classmates. I have several diseases that are irreversible, that includes: stage three malignant lymphoma, frontotemporal dementia and albinism. My life expectancy is around a half a year to a year, it truly sucks to die knowing you were alone in this crazy game of life. I must have lost touch of reality for a second, soon I heard my name being called out aloud from our homeroom teacher, "Nagito Komaeda?"

"Yes, here." I spoke out, my eyes widened a bit as my current situation came flooding back to me. I luckily was able to compose myself before I made a fool out of myself in front of my new classmates and general classmates. "Peko Pekoyama?" Ms. Yukizome continued to call out other names until each student in the room's name was called out.

"Now then, shall we continue our lesson from yesterday," she started. I felt my mind go blank, I could not focus or seem to stay in touch with reality. Different thoughts seemed to cut my focus off, my surroundings were blurry as if I were drifting away, I still had my eyes open, I was not crying, that much I am sure of.

I lost touch of reality once again, it was now lunch time. All the students went either outside or to the cafeteria. Most people from the elite course did not go to the cafeteria for..reasons. Such reasons are shameful not just for elites like us, but also the reserve course as well. I gathered my wits, I stood up and followed my classmates out of the room. I started to stare off again, I always had something on my mind, but nothing came into mind when I was "braindead".

Time passed by again and we were heading back. I had stopped at my locker to write something down. As I was about to turn around I had bumped into someone. "Ah, I am terribly sorry for my clumsiness." I closed my eyes as a nervous smile. "Yeah, watch where you're going!-"

"Kamukura-sama is not going to be pushed around like that!" Koizumi and Soda yelled at me. All I could do was chuckle lighty and continue to apologize. After a few minutes the two began to walk off, well more like flaunted down the halls. It's funny because, they just were scolding me for treating Kamukura rudely and yet they walk off while leaving Kamukura-kun behind.

"You're Komaeda." He stated. I nodded and spoke out to him, "Ehe, I'm terribly sorry for their behavior. Those two are usually the hypocrites of the classroom anyways."

"You." He stated. His piercing eyes gazed upon me. "If you excuse me, I must be..going.." I was starting to stare off again. "S-sorry, see you later, Kamukura-kun."

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