Nine Levels In Hell With You (Part 1)

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I might use this AU later. I think it has potential.

TW: Sliiight depersonalization

Also, Komaeda throughout most of the story is intended to be ooc. Because of his situation, he's not supposed to have any illnesses that shape his cannon personality. At least not in this part, anywho.

Proofreading later, ya already know-


Timeline - sinner!AU

Setting - hell.

Komaeda's POV







It would take a while to count to 7742. Not here.

In the overworld, they wouldn't waste time on counting to 7742; there is too much to do in so little time, in the overworld.


..don't remember my time in the overworld, but I imagine I've entered and exited the overworld many.. many times. Right? Yeah, it must be that.. things would be a lot more complicated right now if I haven't at least re-entered the overworld once.


7742. That is.. like my name. My temporal name.

You see, in my previous life I did some- pretty bad things.. eheh. Oh? That's an understatement by the way. I'm being sentenced several lifetimes in the ninth level. I wonder what I could've done that was so bad. I mean, I feel so weak and harmless now, it's hard to believe that I could have commit such treacherous acts of sin or betrayal. Maybe the situation was different from first speculation. Nevermind, whoever I was then is dead. Gone. Erased from existence. The only thing that will soon remain will be that person's reincarnation. No, my reincarnation.


Everything is kind of.. confusing. I arrive after shock that I am being sent here and then I'm being told that I'm getting sentenced to the deepest part of hell. I didn't even get an explanation on what I did. Oh-! But I'm not trying to deny the fact that I deserve this punishment!

Oh well, maybe ninth-level-sinners, such as myself, don't deserve to know everything.

The only sound was the spiritual silence that would fill your ears like water would in your lungs when drowning. That and the violent flames in fire pits and immolation boxes. The cold metal around my neck and wrists were agonizingly cold. It was like these were purposely cold.. or enchanted with an eternal frost.

If I said I was being tossed around like a doll, would that be the correct way to explain my situation? My hair was constantly being pulled, I was steadily being dragged around by the chain on my neck and other sinners I passed would assault me. Why? Are demons supposed to have a specific nature after a specific amount of time in hell? I certainly didn't have any urges to harm anyone.

My gaze was always down whenever I'd pass a sinner, in case they decide to harm me. The wounds that were inflicted weren't major, if anything just a few bruises and maybe one or two scratches; the person leading me didn't allow them to hurt me severely. They didn't speak. They were almost like a shadow.

It felt like I would be walking for eternity, getting hit for eternity.. until..

..until the world went dark. No, not the world, hell. Still, I remember watching the person in front of my disappear in the shadows skillfully. I felt the chain tug me forward harshly one last time before I fell to the ground. The chains on my wrists were removed.

☘︎ KamuKoma Oneshots ☕︎ Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum