Chapter 11: 'Il Muto'

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As Rey fell into a deep sleep, she dreamt of the upcoming show. She felt herself floating around, watching the opera from the wings. She saw the audience laughing at the show, she heard Carlotta sing and croak? She heard the phantom's laughter from the balcony. The music got quicker and quicker as her dream became more intense.The laughter was replaced by screams and the colour red. The red bled into her dream. The scene changed and she heard two lightsabers ignite and hiss as they hit each other. The music got quicker and quicker as her dream became more intense. She watched in horror as the chandelier came crashing down from the roof of the theatre. "Rey," she heard Raoul call desperately from the wings. "Rey!' screamed an angry voice that could only be Kylo's. "Rey!" She heard another voice call. Then she heard it again and again. Female. Madame Leia. Rey woke up with someone shaking her. Leia sat in front of her on the bed looking worried. "Rey," she said, "are you alright?" Rey looked around her room. It was a mess. Then she remembered her dream. Rey shook her head and began to cry. Leia's eyes softened and she engulfed her into a hug. "Rey what happened?" 

Rey cried into Leia's shoulder, sniffing as tears wet her face. "The letters," she said between sobs, "were from him and he came to visit me." She gasped for air. "He knows, he knows about Luke and the training. We had an argument and he looked into my mind and I wasn't fast enough. Leia, I'm sorry I've made it worse. Now he's furious at me!"

"Rey, this isn't your fault. Ben has always been temperamental, he'll come around. You just have to be patient. None of this is your fault," Leia said soothingly.

"No," Rey said, "This time is different. I saw something after our argument. Leia, I think someone is going to get hurt. I saw red, so much red and the chandelier came down."

That caught Leia's attention. She had to tell Luke. She saw the hurt in Rey's eyes. She was distraught. "I will tell Luke. He will go down and watch him. Meanwhile you clean yourself up and get ready for the performance. We can talk after if you like?"

Rey shook her head. "I'm meeting Raoul which is the other issue. Kylo, sorry, Ben doesn't like him. I could sense his jealousy, the dark side fed off it. I could feel it." Rey put her head in her hands. "This is such a mess!" If Rey had any more tears to spill she would. Leia took her hands away from her face and held them in hers. "Rey, you are not to worry. I will deal with Ben and you will go out there and perform your heart out.  Then you will have a lovely evening with Raoul." Rey nodded and sniffed and Leia hugged her again. "I've left your costume for you on your rack. I'll send the makeup team in shortly?" Rey nodded again.

"Thank you," she said quietly. "Maybe it would be okay. Perhaps it was just a dream..." Rey hoped it was but she couldn't shake the feeling that her dream worried Leia too. "But," she thought as she walked into her en-suite, "Luke will be there to help so it will be okay?" She frowned at herself in the mirror. She never had been good at lying to herself.


Kylo sulked in his lair, angrily playing his organ. Raoul was ruining everything for him. He was the reason that Rey was blind to what was happening. She was being overlooked. Why couldn't the managers see her talent like he did? A speeder landed on the island. Kylo looked up. "How dare he," Kylo thought. "If my demands are not met, a disaster beyond their imagination will occur!"

"Do you really think your mother, myself or even Rey would let you get away with that?"

"What are you doing here?" He snapped. Luke made his way up with island to his nephew. "Leia asked me to stop by. Apparently you have upset one of her ballet girls."

"Rey wouldn't be upset if Raoul hadn't interfered," Kylo grumbled.

"No." Luke said sternly. "Your lust for power and control has scared her away." Kylo grimaced underneath his mask.

Phantom: A REYLO Phantom of the OperaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora