A lying witch and a warden part 1

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Hello to any reader reading this sorry i didn't update sooner i would have updated sooner but our connection in here is going on and off so yeah been offline for 3 days, and again sorry for not upadating


Luz's eye fluttered open she noticed that she woke up earlier than usual she got up, and stretched her arms, and she notice naru was sleeping in her bed looking adorable with her whisker mark luz decided that she should wake up her best friend, luz takes a seat besides the sleeping blonde, and rub her whisker making the blonde purrr, luz blush a little at her cuteness the blondes eye's fluttered open and stands up and rub her blurry eyes.

Luz squeled in delight at the adorable display, and hugged her, and said "your so cute naru especialy with your whisker mark, that makes you look like a cat or like a fox".

Her friends response was a blush, and a angry huff, and said "knock it off luz, aren't you supposed to get ready to go to reality check camp?. That your mom is sending you to".

"Well i got a few minutes since i woke up, why not spend it cuddling my cute bff" luz said as she hugged naru tighter.

"And i was gonna ask you to tag along with me so what do you say?, you coming or what" luz said to naru with a puppy dog eyes.

"Luz i haven't had the chance to say that i'll be gone for this summer, cause i got some matters that i have to deal with but i can still walk you off to bus and see you off" naru said with apologetic eyes

"I guest i'll be fine on my own there and thanks naru and without you there it won't be fun, well as your punishment for leaving me off in camp you'll be helping me pack" luz said in a downcast tone but it change to playful tone as she finished her words

"Yeah yeah i know luz if i didn't help you pack who knows what you are packing to the camp" naru said with light laugh.

"Hey!, i'm not that irresponsible" luz said trying to defend herself as she nervously laugh.

Naru just stared at luz with a deadpan expression and said "i'm a little younger, than you, and i'm more responsible, and more mature than you, and i know for a fact that your gonna try to sneak in some fantasy related things through summer camp".

"I-i wasn't go-gonna sneak some things there" luz said with a nervous laugh and was scratching her head nervously

"Ohh realy now" naru said with a deadpan voice

"Alright alright, you got me there so can we finish packing now" luz said with a pout as they began to pack luz's stuff to go to summer camp.

"Mija, are you ready yet the bus will arive in 10 minutes" luz's mother called out to luz

"Almost done mom, be there in sec" luz said as she and naru finish packing

Luz began walking to outside and naru followed her, as they arrive outside luz's mother came out.

"Ohh my baby, now don't worry summer camp will be only for 3 months, you'll be so busy balancing checkbooks and learning to appreciate public radio the time will fly bye" her mother said to her as she hugged her and tries to cheer her up.

"But, i don't like any of that stuff, i like editing with naru about anime clips to music, and reading fantasy books with convuluted backstory" luz said to her mother as she hugs naru and brought out her good witch azura book 5

"Mija your fantasy world is holding you back, do you have any friends besides naru over here real ones, not imagine or drawn or reptilian, summer camp is a chance for you to make new friends but you have to try, can you do that" her mother said as she tries to cheer up luz looked at luz as she was walking to a trash and put her good witch azura 5 in the trash

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