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"It's okay, it's just me-"

"That's exactly why, don't fucking touch me,"

The words he said were a straight jab to her heart but she chose to shake it off as his health was more important. The pain you could hear in his voice was so much and it tore her to shreds. "O-ok, just-"

He squeezed his eyes shut as a wave of pain went through his head, "No." His hand moved up towards his stomach, trying to somehow take the pressure off of it, "Stop trying to act like you care."

Nari's eyes widened, "W-what? I do care,"

Donghyuck started to chuckle, stopping almost as soon as he started as it made his stomach clench, "If you cared you wouldn't have kicked me out,"


"If you cared you would have checked to see if I was okay,"

"If you cared you wouldn't have promised you would stay and listen."

Donghyuck took a shallow breath finally looking at Nari, "If you cared you would have seen how I am utterly in love with you." His stern tone altered to a more soft one, a more broken one,, "You're just gonna leave after all this is done so just go. I've been in enough pain these past couple months and you're just going to make it worse,"

Tears slowly started to fall from Nari's eyes at Donghyucks confession, "I-I'm not going to leave Donghyuck. I-"

"Hyuck!" Nari's head turned towards the sound, seeing his friends running over to them, "Oh my god Donghyuck!"

Nari quickly got up and stepped away, wiping her tears.

"What did they do to you?!" Jaemin crouched down in front of Donghyuck, touching his face making him hiss in pain, "Sorry, sorry Hyuckie." He softly grabbed his hand as the other guys made their way around to Donghyuck. "Why would they do this? It's never gotten this bad,"

Jeno racked his eyes over Donghyucks body, just wincing at the sight, "I-I don't know Jen, they all just came and-" He stopped himself, already feeling more tears well up in his eyes, "Don't Hyuck, you can tell us later, don't hurt yourself more." Chenle crouched down and grabbed Donghyucks hand.

"Just p-please get me out o-of here." Donghyuck pleaded, he was already hurting so much and the concrete wasn't helping much, "Okay, Mark and Jeno you help Hyuck up I'll get his stuff,"

They both nodded at Renjun, walking over to Donghyuck, "This will hurt but me and Jeno will help you walk all the way home ok?" Donghyuck nodded as Mark and Jeno went over and grabbed him, "Okay, 1, 2, 3, lift,"

They grabbed Donghyuck and hoisted him up, making groan in pain, "Are you okay?"

Donghyuck painfully nodded, "Not really but we don't have any other way, let's go." The two boys nodded, starting to walk.

After a couple steps Donghyuck stopped, "I- holy shit," His left knee felt like it barely worked while his stomach was bruised all over so sometimes even breathing wrong was painful. Even with Jeno and Mark practically supporting all his weight, it still hurt like hell.

"Hyuck? Hyuck?" Jenos call went unanswered as the boy had his eyes screwed shut trying to take the pressure off the rest of his body.

Mark sighed and slightly turned to the rest of the guys, "Guys this isn't going to work. We've barely been walking for a minute and he's already in so much pain." Jisung crossed his arms, "Well what are we supposed to do? None of us have our wallets with us,"

Nari was still off to the side, obviously going unnoticed by the boys. None of them had their cars or wallets so they were stuck. She had money so she could pay for a cab, but didn't know if she should say anything.

If she did say something, they would for sure notice her and probably tell her off in every single language they know. Even though that thought made her scared, the thought of Donghyuck being in more pain made her even more scared, "Uh.. Hey,"

Everyone, excluding Donghyuck, turned their head towards the voice. "I um- If you need I..." Nari tried her best to speak, but it was pretty difficult with the angered stares the guys were giving her.

"I-I have money." She tried to smile slightly but with everything going on it was practically impossible, "I can call a cab for you guys,"

She looked at all the guys as their faces stayed still, not speaking a word, "I also could get a driver and-"

"Oh now you want to help him? Is there paparazzi around here?" Renjun looked around mockingly making Nari look down ashamed. "Renjun now's not the time to be petty, we just need to get Hyuck home."

Renjun looked back towards Jeno and sighed, "Fine, call a cab."

Nari nodded, turning around and calling.
It was now just Nari and Jisung in a car, the other guys fitting into the other one. It was a slightly longer drive as they decided to go to Chenles house as his mom was a doctor so they would have more first aid supplies.

The car was so quiet you could practically hear the driver hitting the gas pedals. None of them dared to speak a word.

Suddenly Jisung put his phone down, looking out the window, "You know you really hurt Donghyuck." Jisung stated, keeping his eyes out the window.

"Ya, I know" Nari's voice stayed low as she played with her fingers.

"You also know that what you did was a total bitch move," Nari nodded slowly, the guilt creeping up upon her more and more.

"You definitely know that we all dislike you with every single bone in our body, " Jisung said, stressing some of the words, "And honestly we wish Donghyuck would dislike you as much as we do."

Nari took a shaky breath and shook her head gently, she knew she deserved everything he was saying, but she wanted a second to breathe because lord knows what would happen when they get to the house, "Jisung I-I know that I'm really stupid but I really hope you can-"

"But he doesn't."

Nari stopped talking, looking at Jisung confused, "He doesn't hate you, we can't even get him to hate you. He still cares for you, and from what I've seen today you care to," He crossed his arms looking at Nari, "I saw what you did."

Nari furrowed her brows, "W-What I-"

"You tried to fight all of them. You went in there knowing that you could get badly hurt, but you went in there and did it." Nari looked away, "And frankly I have no clue how you did it, but you did and I respect you for that."

Nari looked back at Jisung, "Thank you." She gave him a small smile, which he did not return.

"By the way this doesn't mean we're cool, you still hurt him a hell of a lot so it's gonna take a while." Jisung unbuckled his seatbelt as the car pulled up to Chenles house, "But, I want him to be happy so don't screw this up."
Nari nodded as he got out of the car quickly, wanting to go see Donghyuck.
We love mature Jisung

Also I have another book in my drafts... should I post it?
It's about Jisung, he's a skater boy

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