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Just to clarify Mr. Lee is Naris manager, so they are the same person
"Nari? Nari are you okay?"

Jungkook placed a hand on her arm, making her head snap up and her phone drop, "Are you okay? Why are you shaking-"

"I have to go"

She stood up from her chair, lightly shoving Jungkook out of the way,, "Nari you can't just-"

"Yes I can," She hurriedly picked up her now cracked phone, and jacket.

"We're in the middle of a shoot! You can't just leave like this and-" He stopped himself as he grasped a hand around Nari's wrist, stopping her from running away,

"Let me go Jungkook," Her low tone slightly frightened Jungkook, but he chose to ignore it as he pulled her back in front of him, "I can not let you go, this is-"

"What is going on here?"

Both of their heads turned towards Nari's manager, "She wants to leave this shoot to go see Donghyuck!" Mr. Lee turned his head towards Nari, angered, "Excuse me?" Nari turned her head towards Jungkook with a glare, feeling slightly betrayed, "I said-" She paused, ripping her arms out of Jungkook's grip, "That I need to go."

Mr. Lee rolled his eyes, "Listen, this shoot is way more important than your lover boy, so let's stop with this drama and go."


Her manager stopped in his tracks and turned around stunned, "What?"

"Just-" She started getting more desperate, aware of the time she was wasting, "Please, I need to go,"

The manager scoffed and crossed his arms, "Why are you getting so worked up about him? This was supposed to be some stupid deal, do you love him or something?"

"Yes, I love him! Why can't you see th-" Those words came out of her mouth before she could even think making her clasp a hand over her mouth shocked, "I-I mean-"

"You love him out of all people? How pathetic." Nari's shocked demeanour quickly disappeared as she looked at him in anger, "Pathetic?"

"You heard what I said. This is a huge opportunity and-"

"I don't care!" She threw her hands by her side, slightly stomping her foot completely fed up with her manager, "I don't think you understand that I don't care about modeling, I don't care about money, I don't care about losing everything I have. It's so clear that all I care about is Donghyuck and I'm afraid if I don't get there quickly I won't have anything to care about anymore!" Nari squeezed her eyes shut trying not to imagine that scene, "I won't have him and I don't think I'll be able to live without him!"

"I hope you know if you leave right now, you're kicked out of the agency," Jungkook looked at Nari, pleading her to think about this, but his effort went right over her head, responding the fastest she ever has, "Welp, guess I'm kicked out,"

Her managers eyes slightly widened, not expecting her to actually leave, "Oh and-" She went and stomped on his foot making him hiss in pain, "I hope your business miserably fails," She gave him a quick smile and booked it out the door, running to find the man that she loves.
"Thank you," She practically threw money at the taxi driver, running towards the big crowd with her hood up. She pushed through some people finally getting a good view of what was going on,

"You're so useless," The man kicked Donghyuck in the stomach once again, making his friends laugh, "Aww the poor boys crying, how sad." He went and slapped his already black eye, leaving another gash on Donghyucks face.

The slap was so hard it made him tumble from his sitting position down towards the ground, letting out a whimper. His shirt was torn, he was kicked, punched and bruised on every part of his body. Nari's heart crumbled at what she could see, the sad thing is that there was so much more she couldn't see.

Pulled // Donghyuck ff Where stories live. Discover now