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His hands were kept in tight fists, eyes staying right in front blocking out his entire surroundings. He bumped into people, stepped on things, walked across the road almost causing an accident, the driver thankfully stopping just in time, but to be honest if it was his decision he would've let the car run him over.

Eventually he found himself sitting on the curb in front of a continence store, blankly staring in front of him.

The thing is he knew why his heart almost stopped, he knew why he wanted to burst out in tears, he knew why this practically broke him. He never let himself feel so deeply for someone, he always stopped it so he wouldn't get too attached, so he wouldn't start to depend on them. But this time he didn't stop it, he thought that she felt it too, that she liked him, he thought that he finally had someone who cared for him.

"Ugh, why am I so stupid." His hands made their way up to his hair, gripping so hard desperately trying to take the sadness away. His hands fell from his head, as he looked towards the ground as water gradually started to fall from his eyes. His hands instantly turned into fists, trying to stop himself from crying. He couldn't start crying, he wasn't weak, it wasn't him.

"Donghyuck?" As soon as the voice rang through Donghyucks ears his hands squeezed harshly, "What are you doing here? It's dark and you're really far from your house,"

Although Donghyucks eyes were closed he knew he was coming closer from the sound of his footsteps. Mark knew that he never stayed out this late alone and was about to question it, but when he got closer he finally saw the tears on Donghyucks cheeks making all his questions fly away,

He made his way in front of him, looking down at him worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Marks question made Donghyuck scoff, "Am I okay?" Donghyucks head raised slowly, eyes meeting Marks with a broken stare, "Do I fucking look okay?!" The slow tears from before started uncontrollably cascading down his face, the pain finally getting to him, everything finally getting to him.

So many people have hurt Donghyuck, bruised Donghyuck, cracked Donghyuck, but no one has killed him, destroyed him, demolished him. No one has made him feel so crushed, so cracked that he thought he would never be able to stand again. To feel as if the world hasn't only fallen apart, but it has disappeared, vanished. It had pulled everything that he had from under his feet, everything he wanted, everything he needed, everything he loved. Mark quickly made his way beside Donghyuck, sitting down right beside him, "Dongh-"

"Why does this always happen to me?!" He cried out, voice full of desperation, "It's me! Only me!" The sheer pain he was in was unbearable, he didn't know how to handle it, he didn't know how to handle it without Nari.

"The world doesn't want me to be happy! Why can't I just be happy!?" His words were jumbled as he choked back his harsh tears, "Everyone just wants me hurt, everyone just wants to leave! W-why me?"

He put his hand on his chest clutching his shirt in his fists trying to find something to pass on his pain, his anger, "She just left without any damn reason and casted me aside like I didn't mean anything to her! I know she felt something I know she did," He shook his head at the thought of her.

"I could always block my feelings out no matter how hard someone hurt me, but now my heart feels like it's going to fall out of my chest and I can't do anything!"

His vision was so blurry that he could barely see as his chest rose irregularly due to his choked out tears, "She told me to never keep my emotions in, she said it was bad for me, she told me to open up so someone could help, but she left and now- now I can't stop fucking crying!" He squeezed his hair in one of his hands, angirly trying to wipe the violent tears pouring down his cheeks, "Why can't my heart just stop beating!"

He started hitting his chest violently, sobbing uncontrollably, "Stupid! Fucking! Heart!"

He wanted to be so angry at Nari, but he couldn't be angry at her, he couldn't think of her negatively, he tried, he tried so hard but the love that he had for her was just to strong and that made him even more heartbroken,

"It would be much less painful if someone came and ripped it out of my body! It would be so much easier to die than to feel as if someone... if someone just..." He slowly stopped hitting his chest, feeling so exhausted, "Someone should just, please..." He tried to put his hand back to his chest, but Mark took his hand and put it around his waist as he engulfed Donghyuck in a huge hug.

He was still not completely cool with how Donghyuck acted before, but seeing him in this state just pushed that thought to the side, this was more important no matter how rude he was being before, Donghyuck was obviously broken and Mark knew he needed someone. Even though Mark was extremely worried for him and had so many questions, he just stayed quiet letting Donghyuck cry, knowing he needed to let all his emotions out.

After a while Donghyucks tears finally stopped and he had finally calmed down. After realizing who he was hugging he immediately backed away embarrassed, "S-sorry about your shirt," He looked down, his voice slightly raspy due to crying a lot prior, "It's okay, don't worry,"

Mark gave him a small smile even though he couldn't see it, "Do you want to come to my house? It's not to far from here," Donghyuck uttered a small sure, before standing up and started walking towards Mark's house.

As they walked mark trailed a bit behind him, giving him some time alone to think and recollect himself. While they were walking he opened his phone to text his friends,

Bitches be gone

Everyone my house

You do realize it's dark outside and we were literally together a couple hours ago

Ya I know, but you all need to come

Can't it wait till tomorrow? It's the weekend we can hangout all day

No it's important

Last time you said it was important you had us come pick the black seeds out of your watermelon
There is no way I'm doing that again

Please just come
And that was not stupid, it was a genuine problem

We're not coming
I swear to god you all better come in the next 15 minutes or I will take my car and drag your ass back here

I thought you were Canadian why r u being so mean


Fine fine
We're coming
Omg so jenos hair is red, Jaemins hair is blonde, Jaehyuns hair is pink and Haechans hair is rumoured to be blonde...


(Also Jeno and Jaemins cover of naughty was somthing I didn't know I needed)

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