An Admirer- Kenshi

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Vibrant e/c eyes peeked out from behind a Cherry Blossom. She was watching someone and had been watching them for some time. He always came to this small opening of lush grass, where a lake shone blue and glittered underneath the gentle sun. Like most days, the weather was breezy, blowing pink petals from the branches and cascading them over the lake. Small delicate circles of water rippled from where the petals landed. The breeze was warm, brushing against her face like a mother caresses their child's cheek. The sun kissed her s/c face and flushed it with warmth. It was a little nook of paradise, and yet Y/n had yet to step into the opening. All because of one man. 

He was a stranger, never seen before, where she lived. He certainly differed from the rest. It was easy to spot him. His attire, for one, was of dark colours, black and red; meant to blend in with the shadows. The material was of a rough texture, yet looked shiny, as if well cared for. However, Y/n had never seen materials of that sort before. He stood different. He was... guarded, defensive, and yet he stood straight and tall. His countenance certainly made him taller. The most curious attribute about this stranger however, were his eyes. They were wrapped hidden behind a red cloth. He was blind. But, Y/n had to argue against that claim. No matter what the locals would whisper and insist about him, Y/n was sure that he could see. This stranger knew where everything was. He knew who or when someone stood in front of him. If you asked him to pick up an object from a table full of knick-knacks, Y/n was certain that he would pick up that exact object you asked for. This stranger... he was magic. 

Y/n was curious. She had to see who this man was for herself. She followed him. At the exact same time every day, this man would come to this spot. The young adult didn't even know of this place, and she had lived here all her life, yet within hours of arriving here he found it. And with confidence in his stride, he arrived here again. 

Y/n was in awe of him. He stood strong and steady. Nothing fazed him. He seemed to breathe in time to nature's breath and moved fluidly with the breeze. Y/n assumed that when the 'blind' man came here, he came to train. 

She had come to memorise his routine. They came in stages. First, he would move. Just move. There was a sequence to his movements, always testing his balance and co-ordination. His breathing was always in time to the sway of the Cherry Blossom trees; Y/n couldn't help herself but copy the rise and fall of his chest. Second, he would fight. His stance would steady, become rigid, solid, but malleable so that he could bend and flex with ease. The power in every kick and punch left her star-struck. Oh how she wished her fist could slice through the air like that. He would unsheathe his sword as well. Moving it with dexterity and a nimbleness so smooth that the sword and he became one. She would watch with keen eyes. 

Lastly, he would stretch. He would breathe steadily but a little heavier than before. Y/n would always feel a stirring in the bottom of her abdomen when his strong limbs stretched out, steady, and flexed to reveal the hidden muscle underneath. His excessive and powerful breathing caused a rumble in her stomach, although not one of famine but another type of hunger. Y/n didn't understand her bodily reactions and tried her best to ignore them. 

That was not all. The highlight of his training would be the magic he could do. He could control an electric tranquil blue light and manipulate it to move objects (namely his sword) without physically touching it. Y/n watched astonished and in wonder at his beautiful gift. Her eyes blew wide in child-like wonderment. She was curious, oh so curious, of this stranger. Yet, she had not the courage to introduce herself. Now, that she had watched him for weeks, she found it imprudent and awkward to reveal herself. It's most likely best that he does not know she was here at all.

On the contrary, Kenshi knew exactly where this girl was hiding and for how long. He sensed her presence as soon as he made his first trip to the lake. He was amused by her curiosity, which allowed her to hide in plain sight behind that Cherry Blossom. That amusement turned into leniency and, dare he say it, a boost to his pride. He enjoyed the attention he received from this local girl and latched onto her every emotion and thought, however never digging too deep in her privacy. He revelled in her amazement towards his 'magic' (he couldn't help but chuckle a bit at her description) and found himself making the extra effort to please her. 

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