You Shine- Noob Saibot

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You shine. You chase the darkness away. But even though you unknowingly pushed me away, I will always come back. I will always creep into the narrow corners of your room, watching your graceful movements. I gladly shrink and expand to meet your desires. Though, you are not aware of my presence, waiting your beckon call to touch upon your shining light and caress your warm heart. 

You do not know who I am. I am that which is called your opposite. They deem it destiny for me to be your enemy, but I gaze upon you with wonder. I fascinate upon your soul; the way fate has designed you to be everything I am not.  

I will be who you want me to be. I can be large to give you the comfort you need to hide your secrets. I can be small so that you can shine bright like the glowing sun. One thing is for certain; I am always there. I match your every step. I seep into every crack and crevice to watch your every move.

They did not want me to know you so quickly. If they knew I lie so close to you, they would panic and hide you away into the light. Not that that plan would succeed... I manifest everywhere. 

I will show myself to you one day, when you are ready. I will prove to be your confidant because no one knows you like I do. You can trust me, Little One. I have watched you enough to know your every secret, your darkest desires. I know you inside and out so, don't you see? You have nothing to hide from me. 

I need you to know me. I need you to hear me. My name is Noob Saibot, do not fear me, My Love! I want you to accept me when I reveal my true form. I need your trust, I crave you... your acceptance. I know you will see me as a saviour. Your knight in black armour because no one understands you. Not really. I see you sit by your window, gazing out into the view with bittersweet wonder at what's outside. You have not seen the world because they will not let you. They think they protect you if they keep you locked up here, like a prisoner in a tower. They think they protect you from me of all things. As if! I will save you from their clutches, Little One. I will show you your true potential and prove to them just what light and dark can truly do! You can trust me. I will free you and I will unlock the goddess within you. 

I see that tear fall down your cheek. You think yourself lonely, my Dear One. But I am by your side. You just need to concentrate a little harder, my Love. Hear my gentle whisper and listen. I am the lonely shadow by your side. I know exactly how you feel. 

Oh Juliet, my sun, allow me to balance your lonesome heart. I stay loyal to only you. See me. Release me, and then our story may begin. A story of the Light and the Shadow. 

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