Manipulation- Kano

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I am not a nice person. I may seem decent, but it is all a lie to keep people satisfied. I only say the right things, the things people want to hear, because they don't want to be told the cold hard truth. Therefore, I do the cruellest thing a person can do. I withhold the truth. I look at them straight in the eye and lie so flawlessly they believe the world is full of infinite bright lights, not balls of dying stars. I am a master manipulator and a mercenary. Two skills that make me attractive to the Black Dragon. That is who I work for.

Times are hard within the Black Dragon. Demands are getting larger, more dangerous, and my performance is lacking. 

"L/n, if you miss another fucking target I'm gonna cut you off and put a bullet between your eyes." One of the dishonourable Commanders of the squad spat with impatient anger. We almost failed our contract; kill a military leader. No marks, no giveaways that we were here... instead of shooting the target in the head I hit the air above. The bullet ended up embedded into the wall. Another sniper had to take him out instead.

"I-I apologise, it won't h-happen again." I said, never keeping eye contact with him. 

"You damn fucking sure it won't or it'll cost your life." He growled with merciless intent. We were sent to report back to the leader of the Black Dragon, Kano. 

Throughout the report I kept my gaze low, avoiding Kano's watchful eyes... eye. After a lot of shouting, threatening, and the promise of disciplinary action, I was told to stay back. 

Silence ensued as he studied me. However, I was no longer the cowering girl, but a woman with a look that you would not want to cross twice in your life. I stood straight, face impassive. My appearance, at first pathetic, now changed into a strong stance and confident.

"Well?" Kano's Australian accent broke the silence. 

"The Commander decided to take a more difficult approach." I reported with assurity. "We would've had more cover and shorter range if we were the West side of the building not South. He obviously still feels tied to his previous occupation than the one with us. He was too loud, too obvious."

"Did you miss?" His red eye glinted in the muted sunlight. 

"He made sure to shout about my failure." I replied. "He very nearly blew our cover if I had not retreated before his command. Colter had to shoot without an order. He wants us to be caught." 

Kano mischievously smirked and nodded. "I'll take 'im out. You'll be with me," I nodded to confirm, "an' we'll show 'im not to mess wi' the Black Dragon." His voice like gravel, Kano stood up from his chair and stalked slowly towards me. My eyes wavered as he got nearer. 

Kano's hand rested below my ear, his thumb stroking my cheek lightly. I could feel his body heat. I gasped in response. 

"We'll work together, Y/n." His other hand mirrored the other. "We'll lead the Black Dragon together." He promised. I smiled secretively and read him like an open book. I saw the same look of admiration for me like I've seen since the very first day we met. Kano, I've learned to appreciate, has been useful in getting to this point in the Black Dragon. I need only solidify my position.

"You want me to lead?" Hope laced my words; a sense of dependency so he felt more protective. "With you?" 

"Sheila, I'll let you lead beside me." He smirked again. "We need a woman round 'ere. I need a woman... around." He added. O how a mans heart opens up so easily. 

"You like me." I impulsively declared, throat thick with a forced building pressure. His brown shiny eye let go of its protective barrier and grew wide, guilty at my accusation. "I want to like you too. But how can I commit to you," Thick fat tears fell down my blotched cheeks. The ball of pressure travelled further up my throat. "when I can't commit to myself." The pressure released and, spluttering a horrific sob, I collapsed into his arms and clenched onto his black shirt till my knuckles turned pure white.

For the whole night I stayed like that; holding onto Kano so tightly still that it would rival statues. Kano held me with warm, protective, gentle precision. Every time I realised that he had not said a word, that he stayed holding me tight, I broke down again, burying my face in his shirt, slowly but surely soaking him with my tears. He did not complain. Not a sound escaped him. We stayed in whatever room we were in, tangled in limbs and locked in a desperate yet comforting and familiar grip.

I know I caused him pain. I know that same pain will never deplete and will only strengthen the longer I hold back. I should leave. I should leave so that he forgets about me and finds love in another person. But I am selfish. I know that every fibre of my being wants him all to myself. I am selfish enough to keep him where I know he will come running at my call, but not close enough to finally love. I cannot let him go. However, I know that when the time comes, when I'll break away from him or when I finally give myself to him, he'll never forgive me for the anguish I've put him through. That's ok. He's mine. He'll always be mine. And now, the Black Dragon is mine.

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