Taking You Out- Johnny Cage

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Johnny Cage everybody!! Oh and this is a long read- I don't like short chapters as you will come to realise. Have fun!

The Special Forces were new to Mortal Kombat. Seeing beings from a whole other planet was jarring and mind bending. Also finding out that people from your own world held special abilities let alone an Elder God was a far cry from weird and impressive. Yet, the weirdest thing you had seen in this tournament had to be that stuck up actor beating the Zaterran, Reptile.

"You just got Caged!" The actor exclaimed. "That's it!" He laughed. "Oh yeah! I am so brilliant!" I rolled my eyes at his abundance of pride. His arrogance held no filter as he started pointing at most kombatants.

"And I'm taking you down, I'm taking you down, I'm taking you out, I'm taking you out and I'm taking you out... for dinner." He said smoothly, eyeing me up and down. I raised an eyebrow. 

"You gotta be kidding me?" I exclaimed. He smirked with overconfidence and peeked over his sunglasses. 

"Honey, I'm gonna tap that when you least expect it. Come on, babe, lemme surprise you. I'll take you out on a date, we'll go get Italian, you'll come back to my place, and I'll show you how much of a gentleman I am." In response, I scoffed and looked him up and down. 

"If you seriously think I'm gonna associate with some pig- headed arrogant American like you, then you are dead wrong. Piss off." I growled. A little put off, the actor walked away. 

"I'll bring you out on a date someday baby! I'll keep trying." He called back, so sure that this girl, who caught his eye, was someone he couldn't let go. 

"Is this guy serious?" I asked Sonya incredulously.

"It doesn't matter." Sonya replied. "Our mission is to find Jax and bring down Kano."

"Good luck with that, he's escaped us more times than we'd like to admit." I muttered under my breath. Whether Sonya heard me or not didn't matter, as Shang Tsung had just announced Johnny Cage's next opponent. 

"Now, for your second challenge, Mister Cage. Baraka!" Uh oh. Leader of the Tarkatens. This is going to be a messy fight. 

The two kombatants, one completely oblivious he was fighting to the death, stepped forth. Baraka growled menacingly and crouched in stance, while Johnny seemed more focused on the Tarkatens' appearance. 

"Ok? Nice make-up, but is it really necessary?" Cage commented, not bothered at all at Baraka's intimidating glare. I facepalmed in exasperation, embarrassed for the poor guy. 

In response, Baraka bared his blades. I squeaked in surprise. I... did not expect that. Unlike my astonishment, Johnny Cage was more impressed, stupidly so. 

"Whoa!" He exclaimed. 

"They will taste your flesh!" Baraka declared and thus, they fought. Throughout the battle, I nervously tapped my foot against the ground, not realising I was nervous for the actor. Deep down, I was rooting for him. 

It was a close fight, but in the end, Johnny Cage won again! I lightened up, impressed, and passed him a smile when he quickly looked over. He grinned in response. However, my smile quickly turned into a groan when he talked to a dazzled Baraka. Does his guy ever learn? 

"Hey, my producer has got to meet you. We're doing Tommy Scissor-fists and I-"

"Congratulations, Mister Cage." Shang Tsung interrupted. I think he was becoming sick of the actors antics as well. "Now, finish him!" 

Johnny paused.  "Finish him? Yeah right."

"Kill him!" Shang Tsung clarified and goaded him on. Johnny's face fell in realisation and swivelled round for assurance from the other kombatants. Whether he was waiting for someone to tell him it was a joke or not, I wasn't sure, but I was sure he was more than shocked that everyone truly expected him to take a life. Him? But he was just an actor! He only did this to prove he was the special effects. He started to think that maybe those blades weren't so fake after all. 

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